
By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there anything that would suggest that the overlord cannot have 2 Doom! cards in play?

There is one in the base deck - and another you are able to use treachery for. Could the overlord - obviously would need to spend the threat to do so - but play both Doom! cards and have 2 additional power dice per attack?

This would make the monsters much more powerful I would suspect... but I see no reason why the OL could not do it.

Also - I can't find the thread (this forums search is the worst...) but was it 49 total cards in the base overlord deck if you have ALL the expansions?

36 from base
6 from AoD
4 from WoD
3 from ToI

And is there a limit to the number of power cards the OL can have in play? I need to re-read - but I cannot recall anything. (I am starting with a group this next Sunday - and I want to make sure I am over prepared.) :)

Yes you can play multiple DOOM! cards.

There is only a limit to the # of powers in RtL.

Sweet - thanks for the reply.

I thought I had heard about a power limit - We will not be playing RtL until we have done several of the expansions... So we will deal with that then. :)

SoylentGreen said:

Also - I can't find the thread (this forums search is the worst...) but was it 49 total cards in the base overlord deck if you have ALL the expansions?

36 from base
6 from AoD
4 from WoD
3 from ToI

I don't know if you figured it in to your count, but some of the cards that were provided in the expansions were actually replacement cards of the original deck. That is, you can throw out the original and just use the card given in the expansion. I don't recall off the top of my head if there were/weren't any cards that were simply added to the deck, but just wanted to throw that out there for you.

There is a limit to the number of power card in play in RTL, like 2 power cards at the Copper Level of the campaign, I guess 3 for Silver and so on (don't have the book here), but they don't say you cannot play 2 identical powers. So yes, 2 DOOM! is legal.

There are 48 cards in the core deck, not 49. You probably took the text from the TOI pdf that lists "Lone Wendigo" as a core deck card. That card doesn't exist actually (only Prowling Wendigo as a Treachery card).

See the full list of Overlord cards here. Click on the Treachery column to sort and see all cards from the core deck (no treachery value).

Doing this with your list - actually produces 3 cards from ToI that should be added to the main deck with no treachery.

Lave Beetle Scouts
Lone Medusa
Shade Spooks

Would that not make the 49 then? not the 48?

Only 3 from WoD, not 4. Explosive Runes was an errata'd version of the card from the base game.

Ahhh - ok.

I'll take a look at that (I could have sworn I i took that one out already...)

Antistone said:

Only 3 from WoD, not 4. Explosive Runes was an errata'd version of the card from the base game.

That was the card... I have the reprint version of Descent - so the card in my version has been corrected... I probably compared them - and since they were the same I kept them both in the deck by accident... 48 cards in the deck now. :)

Thanks for the help!

Ezhaeu said:

There is a limit to the number of power card in play in RTL, like 2 power cards at the Copper Level of the campaign, I guess 3 for Silver and so on (don't have the book here), but they don't say you cannot play 2 identical powers. So yes, 2 DOOM! is legal.

There are 48 cards in the core deck, not 49. You probably took the text from the TOI pdf that lists "Lone Wendigo" as a core deck card. That card doesn't exist actually (only Prowling Wendigo as a Treachery card).

See the full list of Overlord cards here. Click on the Treachery column to sort and see all cards from the core deck (no treachery value).

That's real handy. Great site there. Search could use a little work probably. Also, if you care, I have the Overlord card "Gust of Wind" in my set, compared to "Gust of Winds" you have on there. Just figured I'd throw that out there for ya.

I really like how you have the cards ordered and able to be rearranged to one's liking.

Hi Hammerdal,

Problem with the Search box is that I have more than 400 pages, but Google has only indexed 200 or so (so far) of them. That means that some searches may turn up no results but there is actually something about what you are looking for. That's why I recommand using the ABC bar in the meantime.

Thanks for your comments!