Useful links and tools for Descent

By Ezhaeu, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi Everyone,

I'm planning on adding a new page on my site for Useful Links and Tools for Descent.

I have a few that I put below but I would like to put more if you know of any:

Line of sight checker:

Dice simulator:

Antistone's Endurance Calculator


Anything else? Blogs?

quick reference:

Other useful things:

Hero generator:

All about skill cards:

There's also a nice reference pdf on this site, although I think it just got updated in a way in which I can't look at it :( perhaps it'll work for you: (scroll down for descent, although it also has stuff for tons of other games)

That's what I have handy right now that you might find useful, excluding links to the official stuff on the FFG site which are easy enough to find.

Thanks for quoting my site, Hammerdal, for skill cards. Nice to see it's useful. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I have a bit of problem with the hero generator. No scroll bar on Chrome and Explorer. Need to click and drag down.

I'll put that stuff in my list and will tell you when it's live.

Oh, haha, didn't notice that link was yours. Found it useful enough to add to my bookmarks bar at work happy.gif

I've added a new page to my site for Descent Links and Tools . If someone think of something else to add, just let me know.

I also got in contact with the creator of the Descent Line of Sight Checker (the one that use to be on Free Pie Coupon) and got permisison to host it on my site. Click here to see this great tool !

I have a copy of IAM's Fantasy Card Editor if you would like it, Ezhaeu. I can e-mail it to you. It's not "Brand New", but it IS still a helpful tool.

Thanks, I added both to the list.

You can feel free to include my spreadsheet, though I've recently discovered an error in the stats for the Bow of Bone. Cell P58 should have a 1 instead of a 2 in it (which means that row should also be recalculated).