Flying Monsters

By Anselmus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The rules say that Soaring monster don't suffer any movement penalties from terrain (except the square they land in). How are the rules for Flying and terrain, since I could not find anything in the rules.


Fly (from RtL rules, page 29)

Figures with the Flying ability may move through enemy figures and obstacles as if they weren’t there. However, flying figures cannot end their movement in a space containing another figure, or an obstacle that blocks movement. A flying figure may end its turn in a space containing an obstacle that inflicts damage without effect.

All monsters with the Flying ability automatically have the Soar ability as well. Heroes cannot have Soar.

Not all terrain is obstacles, but most of the stuff you care about is.

I'm unable to find any rule giving figures with Soar the ability to ignore terrain as you described, and I was under the impression that you couldn't get Soar without having Fly, but I'm not as familiar with Road to Legend as with the rest of Descent.

This is from the FAQ:

Q: Do Soaring creatures benefit from terrain?
A: While a creature is Soaring, it ignores the terrain in its current space. A Soaring creature may choose to “land” and disable its Soar power until its next turn; if it does this it is affected by terrain just like any other figure.

But yet I could not find anything about flying and terrain.

In RTL, all figures with Soar have the Fly ability but the opposite is not true. Monsters with Fly don't have Soar. It's a bit like "low flying" monsters (Fly) vs "high fying" monsters (Soar). quoted earlier in this very thread:

"All monsters with the Flying ability automatically have the Soar ability as well." (RtL rules page 29)

Maybe you meant the reverse, that it's possible to have Soar without having Fly? That seems weird, but I don't see a rule against it. (I don't own and haven't played RtL, so I'm just going by the online PDF rules.)

Apart from RtL (and Soaring is only in effect on outdoor encounters), does terrain (mud, lava...) affect flying monters in dungeons?

Antistone said: quoted earlier in this very thread:

"All monsters with the Flying ability automatically have the Soar ability as well." (RtL rules page 29)

Maybe you meant the reverse, that it's possible to have Soar without having Fly? That seems weird, but I don't see a rule against it. (I don't own and haven't played RtL, so I'm just going by the online PDF rules.)

* cough * *cough* Thanks for correcting me. Wrote too fast.

In RTL, for example, the Dragons have Soar. They cannot Fly in a dungeon (same as in vanilla Descent), probably because they are too big and would hit the ceiling, but they can Soar during Outdoor Encounters. Razorwings are small and have Fly, so they can also Soar during Outdoor encounters.

Anselmus said:

This is from the FAQ:

Q: Do Soaring creatures benefit from terrain?
A: While a creature is Soaring, it ignores the terrain in its current space. A Soaring creature may choose to “land” and disable its Soar power until its next turn; if it does this it is affected by terrain just like any other figure.

But yet I could not find anything about flying and terrain.

This rule doesn't help the large creatures with soar but without fly. They still get pinned in by water obstacles as they are unable to legally move onto a water space in order to benefit from soar's ability to ignore terrain in a figure's current space. Perhaps there should be an errata entry granting fly to soaring creatures in outdoor encounters?

Anselmus said:

Apart from RtL (and Soaring is only in effect on outdoor encounters), does terrain (mud, lava...) affect flying monters in dungeons?

Believe this was already answered for the most part in -

A flying figure may end its turn in a space containing an obstacle that inflicts damage without effect. So lava, mud should have no effect on flying creatures.

The question I would have is do flying figures gain the 2 point heal from fountains. I have played where they do as I couldn't find any rule to the contrary.

Lord Foul said:

Anselmus said:

This is from the FAQ:

Q: Do Soaring creatures benefit from terrain?
A: While a creature is Soaring, it ignores the terrain in its current space. A Soaring creature may choose to “land” and disable its Soar power until its next turn; if it does this it is affected by terrain just like any other figure.

But yet I could not find anything about flying and terrain.

This rule doesn't help the large creatures with soar but without fly. They still get pinned in by water obstacles as they are unable to legally move onto a water space in order to benefit from soar's ability to ignore terrain in a figure's current space. Perhaps there should be an errata entry granting fly to soaring creatures in outdoor encounters?

I agree. Does anyone object to adding the following question to the next lot sent to FFG?

Q: Should Soaring figures ignore terrain effects in the same way the Flying Figures do?
Note: While Soaring creatures may choose to ignore terrain in their current spaces as per the previous FAQ answer, this does not allow them to enter impassable obstacles such as water spaces. This often leaves them trapped in outdoor encounters which seems somewhat unintended.