Neophyte not liking game

By Crycious, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So I just got done playing my new copy of Descent and was very dissapointed. We were playing without any expansions. I was the OL. I killed one hero 6 times and another one twice, yet I felt as if I never got ahead of the game. All the heroes (3 of them) ended the game with more conquest tokens then they started with. We played the into the dark quest 1 from the manuel. Is there something we did wrong? Was it the quest? Do all heroes gain 3 conquest tokens for every glyph activated? Most of hte monsters I spawned didnt even get to attack because, the heroes would move and ready with a gaurd, then inturupt and kill my monsters. the monster stats never got any better so the copper chests items destroyed all my monsters. I have heard that this game is awsome and was excited about getting it. Now im frustrated and want to send it back. Any input would be great.

Forgot to ask, if it is this easy for the heroes because it's the basic game, is there an expansion that fixes this issue? It's not that I want to totally tromp the heroes but I want to put up a good fight. I had some heroes that said by the end it wasn't that fun cause they knew they didn't have any thing to fear.

Crycious said:

So I just got done playing my new copy of Descent and was very dissapointed. We were playing without any expansions. I was the OL. I killed one hero 6 times and another one twice, yet I felt as if I never got ahead of the game. All the heroes (3 of them) ended the game with more conquest tokens then they started with. We played the into the dark quest 1 from the manuel. Is there something we did wrong? Was it the quest? Do all heroes gain 3 conquest tokens for every glyph activated? Most of hte monsters I spawned didnt even get to attack because, the heroes would move and ready with a gaurd, then inturupt and kill my monsters. the monster stats never got any better so the copper chests items destroyed all my monsters. I have heard that this game is awsome and was excited about getting it. Now im frustrated and want to send it back. Any input would be great.

You might have done something wrong, because if you killed a hero 6 times and another one twice, the heroes should have lost something like 16 conquest tokens minimum. Heroes are worth between 1 to 4 conquest tokens each so 24 is even more realistic. The heroes normally start with 5 conquest tokens so they should be dead by then.

The Party gets 3 conquest tokens for each glyph they activate, not 3 conquest token per hero . If you played like this, no wonder they kicked your ***.

If the heroes stand back and use guard, no need to rush and attack them. Stay back, wait, gather more threat tokens and spawn monsters every turn if you can.

Hope this helps.

Ezhaeu is correct, but I thought I should also mention that monsters do tend to die very quickly (even when the overlord is winning) and that quest 1 is significantly easier for the heroes than most other quests.

So make sure you're treating conquest tokens as a shared pool for the entire party (rather than tracking it separately per hero), train yourself to think of your monsters as disposable, and play a few more quests before you decide things are too easy for the heroes. If they're still winning too much, there are various options available.

As was touched on, one of the Overlord's most powerful weapons is time. Your power grows each round, so it's to your benefit to drag things out as long as possible. Don't bring the fight to the heroes unless it really makes sense to do so. Spawn fast creatures like skeletons behind the party, and keep them back there, enticing the heroes to go back and kill them.

Thanks guys, you saved my birthday present.... Wow talk about being a retard and not reading correctly. Since we had 3 heroes they started with 15 conquest tokens (5 each) instead of 5. We also did not have them in a pool. So they were getting 9 conquest everytime they opened a glyph. I feel like a smuck. Thanks so much for your help.

Additionally, the first two quest from the base game without any expansion are designed to make everyone familiar with the game mechanics and figure out how to use all abilities to their best effect. So they are normally a cake-walk for the heroes. Wait for later quest if the heroes get carefree, because there you will totally destroy them (especially quest 7 is incredibly hard for the heroes).

Have fun with the game and give it some time, I also needed several rounds before I really saw how much fun it is.