Diablo Expansion for Descent?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I've been asking FFG about making a Diablo dungeon-crawl for awhile now. Recently I asked again via the forums and it was suggested that might work as a expansion for Descent. Would you be interested in a stand-alone game or a Descent expansion?

Will FFG make a Diablo Game?

"They" meaning "some forum user who happened to respond to your post?" I don't see any indication that that person is, or claims to be, a representative of FFG.

Antistone said:

"They" meaning "some forum user who happened to respond to your post?" I don't see any indication that that person is, or claims to be, a representative of FFG.

True, that probably was just some forum user. I edited the original post with that in mind. But if they did do an expansion like that would you be interested?

Most dungeon-crawler fans also love the Diablo PC games!

Frog said:

Most dungeon-crawler fans also love the Diablo PC games!

Do you have evidence for this assertion?

I'm not sure what you're envisioning for a "Diablo Descent expansion." I don't think there's much Descent can do mechanics-wise to be more "Diablo-esque" without running into major problems due to the differences between board games and computer games--randomized magic prefixes on items would probably be a bad idea, for example. Re-themeing would be possible, but that sounds like basically asking people to buy the same game over again with different illustrations. You could just make some new monsters and heroes with a more diabolic feel, but I doubt that would be any better or more popular than simply releasing "Yet Another Descent Expansion"--I have no particular desire for a crossover.

I'm eagerly awaiting Diablo III, and I think Diablo could be somehow represented in a boardgame. However, I don't think "expansion" would be the right term if Descent was going to be used to do this. It would be more like "let's make a totally different game using the components from Descent".

Which does sound like a cool mod project for someone.

I would really love a Diablo board game, but a mix between Descent and Diablo doesn't appeal to me at all.

Well, if FFG have the rights for Warcraft, they might have it for Diablo as well. Would be a good seller for them.

Well, like I said in the original thread I think using the Warhammer Quest method with Diablo quests/demons/character-classes would be awesome! When I first played Diablo in 1997 I immediatly thought Warhammer Quest which I had been playing for a year.

But I agree, that rather than an expansion to Descent, it would be better to sell a stand alone game.

But did not FFG release an expansion for Runebound that had nothing to do with the Runebound world and was actually a whole different universe called Midnight or something?

It pretty much is a Diablo-esq crawl already. I assume you have some examples of what you think would be different. I am interested to hear your ideas, as I love Diablo.

Ohnojojo said:

It pretty much is a Diablo-esq crawl already. I assume you have some examples of what you think would be different. I am interested to hear your ideas, as I love Diablo.

The biggest thing besides the enemies and character classes and weapons/items of Diablo would be a random map generation setup. This could be done like warhammer quest.

I'd love to see a Diablo boardgame, and if anyone's going to do it it would probably be FFG. Not only do they have a working relationship with Blizzard, but they seem to be one of the few companies really working the whole "video game to board game" angle (and ROCKING IT.)

That said, I don't think I'd want a Diablo boardgame that worked on the Descent engine. Doom and Descent are enough of this mechanic for me. As much as I love both these games, I also like trying new things. I think I'd prefer a completely new engine for Diablo. I also wouldn't be entirely offended if it focused on more of an overland adventure style rather than a dungeon crawl style. Ever since Diablo II, there's a fair bit of ground they could cover, if they were so inclined...