Some questions about status effects

By Psilon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Had some amazing luck with manticore attacks in my last session, so much so that I now have two questions about the Poison ability.

  1. Am I correct that for every wound inflicted by a creature with Poison, the victim gains a Poison counter?
  2. What happens if the Overlord runs out of Poison counters, say, because two high-health heroes are carrying 10+ Poison counters each? Is the Overlord just out of luck until he finishes one of the heroes off, or can he conscript other tokens to use as proxies? I ended up doing the latter, but I'd like to have a reference.

This also made me wonder about the timing of Web and similar discard-at-start-of-turn effects.

  1. What happens if a hero gets Web counters during his turn (ex: Dire Warnings plus Bane Spiders)?
  2. Does the hero get an immediate roll to lose the Webs when the Overlord finishes?
  3. Do the new Webs block further expenditure of movement points?
  4. What about Stun; does the hero lose his second half-action once stunned?

Poison :

  1. Yes, one counter per wound inflicted (that means actual heart token removed, after armor, shields, etc.) This is different from all other effect tokens in the game; for almost all of them, you get exactly one effect token if you are hit by an attack that does damage, even if that damage is negated (e.g. by armor).
  2. I don't believe there's an official rule for this. Regardless, a hero that already has 10 poison tokens is quite unlikely to remove them all before dying.

Web and Stun:

If you want to take them exactly as written in the rules, neither has any effect on you unless you had it at the start of your activation, though this could easily be an oversight. I'd be inclined to say that you can't spend movement points if you currently have a web token on you, which would mean that if you somehow get webbed during your turn you have to stop moving, but also means that if you somehow remove your last web token mid-turn you can immediately start moving (in addition to making thematic sense, this involves less record-keeping and makes it more consistent with Grapple). In the case of Stun, losing a half-action after you've already declared your action and started your turn is mechanically and logistically impractical, so I'd definitely play it as written.

Regardless, you don't get to roll to remove a web token when it's applied, just at the start of your turn.

Thanks. The issue for poison token shortages wasn't so much piling on even more poison on people with 10+ poison tokens, but rather still being able to poison the mages when they finally come out of cover. I'm going to continue using proxy counters should the situation arise again.