My apologies if I posted this in the wrong thread but I thought the topic was more appropriate for GMs as opposed to a Rules Question, but how is rank promotion handled in your campaign. A colleage of mine (of ours I suppose) allows his players an almost instant rank promotion, citing pg. 42 of the DH Corebook:
"Characters automatically gain Ranks by spending xp. Once a character's total spent xp reaches the necessary amount, the character's Rank increases."
Usually this allows his players the opportunity to purchase additional Advances of Sound Constitution in mid play. I, on the other hand, prefer my players to roleplay the situation. Reasoning that not every imperial citizen, not even those in the employ of the Inqusition, can stop by the place of their current occupations and simply demand a promotion. I currently impose an xp cost of 100xp per current Rank to advance to the next Rank. If the pc roleplays the situation well this cost is either reduced or waived in its entirety. One of my players plays a Tech-Priest that simply informs me that he reports to his superiors in the Mechanicus, by his own design, playing a double agent of sorts. Our Assassin regularly visits his cult's temple for additional teaching (ie obtaining advances) and, to advance in Rank, is given a mission to prove his worth (which undoubtedly involves the whole group). In our capaign, when a Psyker gains a Rank, he or she is examined by representitives of the Inqusition to determine if additional sanctioning is required. Several of the current discussions deal with the crunch of game mechanics, just curious how this situation is handled in the context of your campains. Thanks!