Anyone bringing older cards for trade to GenCon09 ??

By Mitch662, in CoC Trade Forum

I will be at GenCon this year in Indy, and I am still missing some of the older black border cards from the old sets. I got a huge binder filled with older cards (tons of commons/uncommons and a bunch of rares/promos) to get rid of.

Anyone else bringing older stuff to trade to GenCon09?

Wow...not one person besides myself will be attending GenCon this year that has older cards for trade? I would have thought people would still want cards from the early sets.

Is everyone getting rid of the black cards for the white cards now?

If I were coming I'd definitly bring some older stuff (BB) to trade. Though it's no good for "tournament" play, it's still great for local game shops, in addition to, I'd love to get a full collection of at least singles. Still trying to get a full list together.