Players in North Dakota?

By uberursine, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Any LCG players out there in Jamestown, Fargo or inbetween? Help, I need to game!!!!!!!!

- Stu

Well, we're not close to ND. In fact, I'm willing to bet you are at least 4-5 hours drive away. So you might be in a bit of a pickle.

However, if we ever get around to hosting another larger scale GoT event, you may want to consider driving to Cambridge. We do play pretty regularily at our store, and every now and then it may be worth it. But unless you have something else going on in our region of MN, I'd not make th trip (at least, not without letting us know first). Sometimes we get 8 players...sometimes two (or just me).

I understand you feelings, and hope you find someone in the local area to game with.