Lubbock, TX crew going to worlds... any Texas players need a ride?

By Just Doin' Work, in UFS General Discussion

We currently have 2-3 seats avail. for trip to worlds. We would be leaving Tuesday afternoon/evening-ish and would try to get there by afternoon on the 12th to buy our event tickets and register and such. If anyone is interested let me know. Drop a post here, I'll check back often or call Jason at Jasco Games. We would need a commitment and no one to back out if you sign up for the extra set.

806 252 3404

please do this quick... we need to know if we can take a second car! =D

I'm a Texas person who wants to go to Worlds!

I live in San Antonio, and have access to approximately 370 dollars.

Get back to meh pronto =D

If you can get to Lubbock by the 11th (fairly early) we can take you and from Lubbock it will cost you $200 for the whole trip.

Call me if you are really interested, we are trying to fill our second car. (806) 252-3404 (Jason)

Marco leave your number for one of us to call you.

answer us shinjiiiiiii

Sorry for the late response guys, work is a killer, and I've spent almost every day this weekend getting s--t-faced (in preparation for Worlds? ;D)


I get unlimited calls and texts. Once again, sorry for not telling 'til now.

As far as a ride to Lubbock? ...I'll see what I can do. I know few people who drive, even fewer who'd LET me drive their car out of convenience, and EVEN FEWER who'd let me pay them to go ALLLLLLL the way up, then they'd have to drive ALLLLLLL the way back.

But again, we'll see.

Get it done, son.
