Reusing Images

By ultimateigor, in Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game

Just read the article on Chaos and I love the fact that FFG are reusing some classic images on these cards. Some of them (Melekh the Changer and Festering Nurglings) first saw print on WarCry cards, then in various WFRP books. And of course Horrific Mutation is part of the cover to one of the classic Realm of Chaos sourcebooks from way back when.

Brand new game, and it's already got me feeling nostalgic. You gotta love it. gran_risa.gif

The Great Swords remembered me at playin Warhammer:Dark Omen, my only Warhammer experience yet.

Hnmmm.... I haven't noticed this, but I think this is because I neither played WarCry nor the WH RPG.

But yes you are right: For those who do know these images it is some kind of nostalgic feeling... Just like a homecoming. ;o)

yeah, I recognized some of the art. Which is not a bad thing cause most of it was so good the first time around. gui%C3%B1o.gif