
By NoNamium, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I thought I'd just post a little teaser image of something I've been developing for the past 3 months.

For now it is able to create and draw dungeons and do some "LOS" and shortest path calculating, but hopefully it will become a full game soon.
Need to chat with FFG though about it before I just release it :)

- NoNamium


NoNamium said:

Need to chat with FFG though about it before I just release it :)

Ah... not to be too pessimistic, but FFG seems to be pretty tight with their IP. Don't expect a quick and easy stamp of approval. My money would be a "don't ever release this" note from their legal department. (No inside knowledge or experience with FFG in this respect, just my gut feeling.)

What's the overall intent here? A single player game with monster AI? A client that allows you to play with other clients over the internet? Both?

What makes it tied to RtL as opposed to vanilla?

As mentioned, you will probably get Foxed, so you might want to think about creating your own game that just happens to play startlingly similar.

Would be great to be able to play Descent online (even if a big part of the fun is throwing real dice with a few beers).

Better present it as a "tool" to desing dungeon and calculate line of sight perhaps.

In any case, keep us informed!!!

Very cool screen shot. Good luck with your pitch.