RtL Questions

By Mr11, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are playing our first RtL campaign and a few questions have come up (some related to RtL and some vanilla descent) over the course of play. Can anyone comment on whether we did things correctly?

  • Gold piles: In vanilla Descent these game 100 gold to each player, we played it as though this was still the case so the heroes collectively recieved 400 gold per pile
  • Ring of Quickness (I think that's what it is called): We interpreted this card to mean that the hero gets 1 extra movement, even if he performs a run action. The basis was that it adds 1 extra movement, it doesn't increase their speed by 1.
  • Undying: Extra damage is NOT carried over (WHAT THE...)
  • Reach: The target of an attack with reach must still follow all of the normal rules for attacking, particularly LOS (i.e. you cannot attack around a blocking obstacle if the target is not within LOS)

I think there were others, I will add them as I think of them.

Gold piles - correct, 400 gold goes to the party

The ring - I believe you are correct, it adds 1 MP but haven't verified that.

Undying - yes you are correct, it's different in RtL. This is due to the fact that later in the campaign the heroes deal so much more damage.

Reach - correct again, you still need to see your target.

You are correct on all counts. The thing about reach and LoS is addressed in the Gathered List of Unanswered Questions (possibly in FAQ by now but I haven't checked it lately.)

Mr11 said:

  • Gold piles: In vanilla Descent these game 100 gold to each player, we played it as though this was still the case so the heroes collectively recieved 400 gold per pile

Yes the party gets 400 gold. However it goes to the single "party treasury" and not 100 to each hero. See page 5 of the rulebook.

If the heroes stop on a dungeon for the first time but choose not to explore it do they still get 1 XP or do they only get the 1 XP when they explore the dungeon?

Mr11 said:

If the heroes stop on a dungeon for the first time but choose not to explore it do they still get 1 XP or do they only get the 1 XP when they explore the dungeon?

They still get the XP. They just have to stop there.

EDIT (and quickly before someone jumps on me): They don't get an XP for stopping there. They get 1 CT for stopping/passing through a previosuly unvisited location. That gets converted into 1 XP for each hero.

Here are two more that came up last night:

  1. If a monster makes a breath or blast attack that affects more than one hero and one of the heroes plays a feat card like Evade then does the attack miss for all heroes or just the hero evading. We played it as though the attack itself is a miss (similiar to rolling an X) due to the way it is worded on the card. The text of Evade reads:
    Play after a monster has made a successful ranged or magic attack against you (a ranged or magic attack that doesn't miss). You must roll a power die. If the result is a surge, there is no effect. If the result is not a surge, that monster's attack becomes a miss.
  2. If the overlord is moving a monster and a hero with a gaurd order is able to successfully place Web tokens on the monster via an item or other method then does the monster stop moving immediately or is it allowed to use the rest of it's movement for that turn?

1. Doesn't make much sense - only one heroe is avoiding the damage by dancing around, not the party.

2. Good quesion, what happens when you're stunning a monster with Guard?

Stefan said:

1. Doesn't make much sense - only one heroe is avoiding the damage by dancing around, not the party.

2. Good quesion, what happens when you're stunning a monster with Guard?

  1. We did this on the basis of how dodge works. From the sticky thread in this forum:
    Area of Effect attack and Dodge.
    An area attack is made on a group of characters. The attack die are rolled and one Hero uses Dodge. Does the original roll take effect on the other Heroes, or does the newly rolled attack affect all Heroes?

    The new roll effects all the targets.

    By this ruling you can see that one hero with dodge amongst a group of heroes basically gives them all dodge as long as he is part of the attack. Also, the text of the card says "the monster's attack becomes a miss" it does not say "you dodge this attack". It would be nice to get clarification on this.

  2. Stun is different because it specifically states that you have to have the counter on you at the start of your turn. Upon further reading the Web description in RtL it looks like I found the answer I wanted (maybe):

    A hero who is caught in a web is marked with a web token. At
    the start of each of that hero’s turns, its owner must roll a black
    power die for each web token on it, plus one additional black
    power die for each die of Melee trait the hero has (the number of
    bonus power dice rolled when the hero makes a melee attack).
    For each power surge rolled, remove one web token. If any web
    tokens remain on the figure after rolling, the figure cannot spend
    any movement points that turn.

    Monsters caught in a web remove tokens the same way, except
    that they roll one black power die for each web token, plus one
    extra black power die for each space they occupy beyond the first.

    So this makes it sound like the check that will disable you from spending movement points only happens at the start of your turn. This doesn't really make sense, but whatever. I was thinking that a good tactic would be to put someone on guard that had a weapon with web to prevent melee attackers from getting close, looks like that plan is down the toilet :P .

1) You don't really need a clarification, since you pretty much have the answer IMO.

2) Yeah, the whole Web/Guard issue is pretty vague.

Big Remy said:

1) You don't really need a clarification, since you pretty much have the answer IMO.

2) Yeah, the whole Web/Guard issue is pretty vague.

It's just nice to get clarification because it makes playing the game easier. I don't want to have to fight with my good friend the Overlord ;) .