I didn't think about this earlier and am sorry if i made a negative choice, but are we frowning on any quest spoiler details here? or is it cool and all just assume that every one on here probably reads all of everything in the box and we edon't need to worry about leaking a bit of future quest information for a potential hero player? or, do we spam "SPOILER" before we do so, just to be sure?...I havent seen anything on this yet and want to make sure im not pissing in the kiddie pool as soon as i start splashing around.
LOL. Piss away!
People generally come here for answers so I am sure there is no worries for spoilers. Besides how could one spoil a quest or dungeon that plays different almost every time?
I say if anyone is mad about something getting spoiled here, they can just go swim in your biohazardous kiddie pool.
Meh, Spoil away (or piss depending on mood)
I obcessively read everything in games that I own and everyone elses to, I like to know...
Cool, thanks guys...don't mind if ido (warm water in these here parts)