Hi All
I am going to be playing a game of descent tonight (first as overlord) 4th game in total (3 as player).
As the first few have been easy I have decided to include an expansion or two (Wod/AoD).
My question is do I include both expansions at same time or should I just have the base game + 1 expansion ? ie. Base game + WoD but if I want to include AoD should I first remove all WoD cards ?
I have started off by merging both in but this gives me 1 card in deck that is bin for 10 threat and 2 treachery cards that do the same (which I have put into deck and removed razorwings for). This seems like it could be overpowered so wondered also if their was rule preventing this. Sorry I cant remember the names of card and cant check as at work.
Hope above makes sense