SR in every pack (Set 4)?

By Keen_Player, in Hollow Bastion

At the time of the release there was talk about there being a Super Rare in every pack of Set 4. I haven't bought a single booster pack yet so I'm quite curious about this. Is it really true or was it a printing error?

Many speculate that it was indeed a printing error, but it is true. I don't know if it applies to just booster packs, but in my box set that I got I did get an SR in every pack. I haven't heard anything about that lately though, so for all I know, FFG may have fixed the printing problem, so you should go and get your packs now, because if FFG does decide to change it, you will have a lot of work ahead of you trying to get all the cards.

All the packs in my box, friends box, and single packs so far have had SRs. The good thing I liked about it is that it is easier to collect the set, the problem is that it is harder to get some doubles of commons and uncommons. The size of the set doesn't help this matter much either.

If this were not the case, it would kill the game. having half of the rares of the set be 3x rarer than the other half is just stupid. SRUs made sense with sets 2 and 3, because they were a small number.

Fairbanks said:

If this were not the case, it would kill the game. having half of the rares of the set be 3x rarer than the other half is just stupid. SRUs made sense with sets 2 and 3, because they were a small number.

But 24 different SRU's is a little too overboard....I could see a lot of them being SRUs, but then there were always those weird ones like End of the Wolrd lvl 2 and Cerberus that too me could have been just Rares...

i like having sr's in every pack. being one of the more broke players, i enjoy feeling like i got my moneys worth. it really puts valure into subjection the way card games should be.

I know, I also like the idea of an SR in every pack. If not that, at least an SR in every other pack would be not as nice, but still nice...that way, you are getting your moneys worth, and you can still trade for the cards your missing...(of course I enjoy 1 in EVERY PACK much more) gui%C3%B1o.gif

Back, but it really was not challenging at all to collect the set... I could've gotten one box and still gotten every card... Now I have 2 excess boxes...

Card_Breaker said:

Back, but it really was not challenging at all to collect the set... I could've gotten one box and still gotten every card... Now I have 2 excess boxes...

well its not like anyone knew this was going to happen..

lol, yeah... I guess not... But FFG should really get their act together... It isn't any fun collecting if there isn't any trading... (this is a trading card game)...

For just collectors, this is a great mix-up. I just saved myself a lot of time and cash...but I still need 1 Card_Breaker, if you happen to open the other boxes and find that card...I NEED IT!!! (it is Behemoth SR from Set 4)

TheChampIsHere said:

For just collectors, this is a great mix-up. I just saved myself a lot of time and cash...but I still need 1 Card_Breaker, if you happen to open the other boxes and find that card...I NEED IT!!! (it is Behemoth SR from Set 4)

have i think.

Those of you that say you get a "complete" set in a box ought to try playing the game some time. There are cards that you really ought to have 3x of.

Fairbanks said:

Those of you that say you get a "complete" set in a box ought to try playing the game some time. There are cards that you really ought to have 3x of.

except I do have basically 3+x of every card...=P

So has anyone bought a box or pack recently that doesn't have a SR in every pack that you've bought?

fairbanks dont be jerk we who play the game probably hate that the most i have a complete set of BoD but need tons of doubles and at the same time don't wanna break up my set. So yes the people who play the game know they need doubles....Jesus christ

I baught some packs recently and they still all had SRs in every pack and we ordered another box online and it had a complete set...

And im pretty sure a complete set means 1 of every card ... a complete playset is 3 of every card +/- cards depending if its a player card or limit 1 or no limit...

Jaffer informed me over the weekend that they are aware of this mishap and should be fixing it ya better buy up those boxes while ya can!

i want them to fix it i like doubles and triples of some cards

TheChampIsHere said:

Fairbanks said:

If this were not the case, it would kill the game. having half of the rares of the set be 3x rarer than the other half is just stupid. SRUs made sense with sets 2 and 3, because they were a small number.

But 24 different SRU's is a little too overboard....I could see a lot of them being SRUs, but then there were always those weird ones like End of the Wolrd lvl 2 and Cerberus that too me could have been just Rares...

Cerberus is one of the best cards in the game. =(

But according too this SR in every box. A R is just as rare as an SR, and plus, if you look at most of the SRU's, they are significant, not only in the TCG, but mainly in the actual video game, and I don't see Hydra or Cerberus equaling Cloud or Sephiroth...but thats just my opinoin...which won't really be changed...we all have our own...

TheChampIsHere said:

But according too this SR in every box. A R is just as rare as an SR, and plus, if you look at most of the SRU's, they are significant, not only in the TCG, but mainly in the actual video game, and I don't see Hydra or Cerberus equaling Cloud or Sephiroth...but thats just my opinoin...which won't really be changed...we all have our own...

Your also just a collector too am I right?

Collectors of this game look at things completely different than us players, because collector's don't really PLAY this game...hence why you think Cerberus isn't that good. got it on the spot...

I bought a BoD Booster Pack on August 26 and it had a complete set. So I guess if you find a store that has had a box sitting there then you will get the set, but I believe that every new box printed will have fixed the problem.


i enjoy buying set 1-3 more then set 4. theres no exictment in buying what you now your going to get i like the challenge of buy packs to get supers.