rules answers: arc & line of sight diagrams

By Quarrel, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I love the picture in the OP. However...

question (kind of devil's advocate)

In the OP pic, what's to stop me firing from the left and right arcs to the VSD on the right? (rather than front and right as pictured)

Yellow dot to yellow dot would be satisfied (not crossing any defender quadrant lines)

Range would be tricky from the left edge, but red dice might have it.

As depicted, and stated in the faq, you can shoot outside of your arc/through your own arcs...

I mean, really... I struggle to understand ANY point of ship arcs as the attacker. I know that I have to measure range from them...

Help me out here please

What gets me in the OP, is the 2nd picture. Namely the targeting line with the tick/check mark.

To me, it looks as if the right quadrant doesn't have arc at all to the VSD's left arc area.

Edited by halfyank

You can't shoot outside your arcs. Very simple.

I love the picture in the OP. However...

question (kind of devil's advocate)

In the OP pic, what's to stop me firing from the left and right arcs to the VSD on the right? (rather than front and right as pictured)

Yellow dot to yellow dot would be satisfied (not crossing any defender quadrant lines)

Range would be tricky from the left edge, but red dice might have it.

As depicted, and stated in the faq, you can shoot outside of your arc/through your own arcs...

I mean, really... I struggle to understand ANY point of ship arcs as the attacker. I know that I have to measure range from them...

Help me out here please

What gets me in the OP, is the 2nd picture. Namely the targeting line with the tick/check mark.

To me, it looks as if the right quadrant doesn't have arc at all to the VSD's left arc area.

Best to ignore this thread... it was based on rules that have since been hit with errata.

But regarding fire arcs... You have to have at least part of the targeted hull zone within you're fire arc.

In the OP pic, what's to stop me firing from the left and right arcs to the VSD on the right? (rather than front and right as pictured)

The only thing in the Corvette's front arc is the VSD's front.

The Corvette's right arc includes all four VSD sections. (NOTE: Some of those sections can't be shot at due to blocked line of sight, but they are in arc. All four of them.)

The Corvette's left and rear arcs are empty. Neither can shoot any part of the VSD.

What gets me in the OP, is the 2nd picture. Namely the targeting line with the tick/check mark.

To me, it looks as if the right quadrant doesn't have arc at all to the VSD's left arc area.

Best to ignore this thread... it was based on rules that have since been hit with errata.

My apologies, thought this was a different thread.

Edited by DWRR

when you check LoS, if the line from yellow dot to yellow dot goes through a different hull zone from your own ship, does it count as being blocked? Or is it only the defending ship's hull zones that can block LoS?

Dunno if my question is clear...

Your question is Clear and is Answered:

You ignore your own Hull zones in said situation.

RRG, Page 7, "Line of Sight":

• The attacker’s hull zones do not block his line of sight.

Edited by Drasnighta

Dras to the rescue once again!

Got a question once more: When attacking, what counts when you measure range? Plastic base or Cardboard? I checked in the rules reference guide and didn't see anything. This little thing made a huge reference when I faced an ISD 2's front arc.

Got a question once more: When attacking, what counts when you measure range? Plastic base or Cardboard? I checked in the rules reference guide and didn't see anything. This little thing made a huge reference when I faced an ISD 2's front arc.

Attack ranges are cardboard to cardboard. Many a shot has fallen barely short when it only hit plastic.

Got a question once more: When attacking, what counts when you measure range? Plastic base or Cardboard? I checked in the rules reference guide and didn't see anything. This little thing made a huge reference when I faced an ISD 2's front arc.

Attack ranges are cardboard to cardboard. Many a shot has fallen barely short when it only hit plastic.


Well that's 1 ship that could have survived and made me win xD.

Where is it written in the rules?

Here they are:

RRG, Page 7: "Measuring Firing Arc and Range"

To measure attack range from a ship, measure from the closest point of the attacking hull zone .

To measure attack range to a ship, measure to the closest point of the defending hull zone .

Measuring is from Hull Zone to Hull Zone. Now, how do we Define Hull Zone? Well, the Rules have that answered, too:

RRG, Page 6: "Hull Zones"

Hull Zones

A hull zone is a section of a ship token delineated by the two firing arc lines that border it. It does not include any part of the plastic base.

All Italic Emphasis is Mine.

For Attacks, you measure from Hull Zone to Hull Zone... Which is, to say, not including any part of the plastic, which is Cardboard to Cardboard .

For OTHER things, such as Tractor Beams, where you are measuring from component to component , then the plastic DOES count, as it is not required to be hitting a hull zone , unless specified in the Rule or effect in question...

Edited by Drasnighta

Here they are:

RRG, Page 7: "Measuring Firing Arc and Range"

To measure attack range from a ship, measure from the closest point of the attacking hull zone .

To measure attack range to a ship, measure to the closest point of the defending hull zone .

Measuring is from Hull Zone to Hull Zone. Now, how do we Define Hull Zone? Well, the Rules have that answered, too:

RRG, Page 6: "Hull Zones"

Hull Zones

A hull zone is a section of a ship token delineated by the two firing arc lines that border it. It does not include any part of the plastic base.

All Italic Emphasis is Mine.

For Attacks, you measure from Hull Zone to Hull Zone... Which is, to say, not including any part of the plastic, which is Cardboard to Cardboard .

For OTHER things, such as Tractor Beams, where you are measuring from component to component , then the plastic DOES count, as it is not required to be hitting a hull zone , unless specified in the Rule or effect in question...

I would like to add to Dras' explanation. I re-hash because this came up in a tourney for me:

RRG, Page 7: " Measuring Firing Arc and Range "

• When measuring firing arc, range, or distance, ignore squadrons’ activation sliders and ships’ shield dials and the plastic portions of the base that frame the shield dial.

So, for tractor beams, etc, component to component is only to the base, not plastic of shield dials.

Edited by moodswing5537

Armada's rules for establishing firing arcs, firing ranges, and lines of sight are somewhat complicated. I've thrown a few diagrams together that (I hope) explain them better than the rulebook does.The full album is here: Hr5Ewmn.png (EDIT 4/20/2015: Combined images into one. Clarified range/LoS not arc-bound.)(EDIT 5/8/2015: Range measurements restricted to arc as per new errata.)

excellent, additional clarification, does measure range include the plastic and cardboard? Came up in story tourney where I had range to the tip of the Plastic base but not the cardboard.

Range is cardboard to cardboard, so if you only had range to the plastic, then you are out of range.

Range is cardboard to cardboard, so if you only had range to the plastic, then you are out of range.

Thanks! Just read the prior posts and now feel silly!

Just to be pedantic, range to a "hull zone" is measured to the cardboard. However, if an effect measures range to a "ship", you include the plastic base (minus the shield dials).

Range to a squadron is always measured to the plastic.

Target Hullzone: cardboard

Target Ship: plastic (minus shield dial)

Target Squad: plastic

I think I successfully confused myself...

On the second image the ISD's front arc is in the front arc of the CR90. But the line of sight is through the ISD's side arc. Can or can not the CR90 attack the front arc of the ISD?

Also, you can double arc squadrons, right?

I think I successfully confused myself...

On the second image the ISD's front arc is in the front arc of the CR90. But the line of sight is through the ISD's side arc. Can or can not the CR90 attack the front arc of the ISD?

Also, you can double arc squadrons, right?

1) Cannot. LOS, as you said, is through the side arc, because that is Dot to Dot. Even though there are parts of the arc that are okay, dot to dot says no.

2) Yes. As long as, essentially, they are in two arcs. IE, part of their base is touched by an arc-joining line.

I think I successfully confused myself...

On the second image the ISD's front arc is in the front arc of the CR90. But the line of sight is through the ISD's side arc. Can or can not the CR90 attack the front arc of the ISD?

Also, you can double arc squadrons, right?

1) Cannot. LOS, as you said, is through the side arc, because that is Dot to Dot. Even though there are parts of the arc that are okay, dot to dot says no.

2) Yes. As long as, essentially, they are in two arcs. IE, part of their base is touched by an arc-joining line.

I played this wrong for at least 2 months and no one I played against called me on it. Made it like a totally different game when I finally learned I was wrong. Superior positions became exponentially harder to score points on.

Yeah... It opens up a whole new world...

Thanks for the clarification Dras!

With it's large rear arc, the Arquitens will be an easy target for Superior Position hits.

Always to the Holy Trinity of Arc, Range, and Line of Sight must ye abide to be able to shoot ye ol' quad lasers. :D

FYI - Keep in mind that the image at the beginning of this thread does not include the following FAQ change that was added after the image was last updated:

Measuring Firing arc and Range, p.7

This entry should include the following paragraph:

“If attack range is measured through a hull zone on the defender that is not the defending hull zone, the attacker does not have line of sight and must choose another target.”

This is summary I personally like to use to keep it simple.

To attack a target, first test the following:

Firing Arc and Range: Use the Range Ruler to measure a line between attacker and defender. Verify that the range/distance is valid for the attacking armament.

~ Measure the shortest line between a hull zone’s cardboard base, or a squadron’s plastic base.

~ If attacking from a hull zone, measure this line within the firing zone's arc.

~ If a hull zone is defending, this line must not cross any other hull zone on the defending ship.

Line of Sight: Trace a line between the attacker and defender; connecting the yellow targeting point on the hull zone, or the closest point on the squadron's plastic base.

~ If a hull zone is defending, this line must not cross any other hull zone on the defending ship.

~ If the line of sight crosses over an obstacle or a ship other then attacker/defender, the attack is obstructed and the attacker removes any 1 die from the attack pool before rolling.

Edited by err404