Minnie Mouse

By Zeede2, in Rules Discussions

A question came up in a game, and we just wanted to clarify a few things.

We both run Dark Aggro decks for fun, and we know that lots of Dark players like Deep Jungle level 3, since when you get challenged when sitting on it, the attacking player's Friend and Magic/Friend cards are worthless. Do the Dark cards you have as Friends still have their support value?

Also, since Minnie clears all Dark cards from all worlds, does she wipe out all of the Dark friends that a Dark player has in play?


No, she only wipes out the Dark Cards on World Cards.

Well that's weird, because the official rules sticky says that Traverse Town Level 3 will yield a +1 POW to all of your Dark Friends.


Zeede said:

Well that's weird, because the official rules sticky says that Traverse Town Level 3 will yield a +1 POW to all of your Dark Friends.


because you are on that world, when you challenge, that doesn't hold true, because you go to there world. Plus she shes on World Cards.

I also got a question about Minnie Mouse:

The timing of this card said "at the beginning of your Action Phase." Does that mean she must be already on the Friend Area and you must discard your "full" hand before you can use her effect or you can just play her in the Friend Area as a first move from your hand and then use her effect and discard all cards and destroy all dark cards on world cards?

At the beginning means what it says. It ceases being "the beginning" of your action phase the instant you're able to take actions. If beginning were a relative term, why not play a few cards before her then? It's the same argument as trying to play, then use her.

so to sum up you have to wait a full turn before you can use Minnie's effect (the "at the beginning part") and even then once you get rid of the dark cards you cannot play a world afterwords because it is discarded per the effect. am i right so far?

elstevo said:

so to sum up you have to wait a full turn before you can use Minnie's effect (the "at the beginning part") and even then once you get rid of the dark cards you cannot play a world afterwords because it is discarded per the effect. am i right so far?


elstevo said:

so to sum up you have to wait a full turn before you can use Minnie's effect (the "at the beginning part") and even then once you get rid of the dark cards you cannot play a world afterwords because it is discarded per the effect. am i right so far?

Unless you've got some Kairi/Selphie action going on, or you Fairy Godmother for a bambi.

Fairbanks said:

elstevo said:

so to sum up you have to wait a full turn before you can use Minnie's effect (the "at the beginning part") and even then once you get rid of the dark cards you cannot play a world afterwords because it is discarded per the effect. am i right so far?

Unless you've got some Kairi/Selphie action going on, or you Fairy Godmother for a bambi.

Or unless you got both going for you. I'm trying to do this now in a deck, the only problem I am having at the moment is that sometimes you are throwing away worlds to advance, causing you to have to cycle first. I am running a 3+3+3+2+1+1 set at a 41 card deck. Might have to increase my deck just so that I can make it through to my worlds before i have to cycle.

Just an FYI: If Stopga gets regularly played (not likely), Minnie is stupid good.