Quest questions

By Shmoozer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm having some trouble interpreting quest 3 (Problems of life an death).

1) the stone naga's that come to life after failing the riddle, can they attack immidiately, or do they just come to life, and able to attack during the OL's turn? The grey box that needs to be read out load states "The Nage comes to life and attacks". If they just are awakened (which i am guessing is the answer), they will most likely be dead before the OL gets his turn.......

2) the riddles can be "solved' by rolling a surge on a power die, which can only be rolled by someone with magic trait (1 die for each magic trait). Do i have to mention anything about this before/during/after the attempt to solve the riddle?

3) The named monster / Naga cannot be harmed by normal attacks, is that something that needs to be mentioned straight away, or after an attack, or not at all?

I know it's nice to have short set-upped quests, but a few more lines would have helped a lot to easely understand the concept of each mission......

1) Themewise it would fit to let them attack, yet nothing in the quest rules (besides the flavor text) suggests anything in that regard. There is at least one other quest in which hero turns are interrupted and they are attacked, and the quest guide explicitly tells you to.

2) No, you just have to read the flavor text - let them find out on their own. You might want to tell them "Well, you may roll zero power dice to solve the riddle" after glancing on their hero sheet.

3) No, you just have to give altered stats of the boss monsters, no specials need to be revealed. After the first deflected attack they will soon realize what´s going on. In my first attempt, I didn´t tell them that the boss doesn´t have Grapple - they planned one or two complete hero turns assuming it had.

Parathion said:

1) Themewise it would fit to let them attack, yet nothing in the quest rules (besides the flavor text) suggests anything in that regard. There is at least one other quest in which hero turns are interrupted and they are attacked, and the quest guide explicitly tells you to.

2) No, you just have to read the flavor text - let them find out on their own. You might want to tell them "Well, you may roll zero power dice to solve the riddle" after glancing on their hero sheet.

3) No, you just have to give altered stats of the boss monsters, no specials need to be revealed. After the first deflected attack they will soon realize what´s going on. In my first attempt, I didn´t tell them that the boss doesn´t have Grapple - they planned one or two complete hero turns assuming it had.

1) Then i won't let them attack, as that follows the rules more. Playing thematically and with common sense is oftern quite difficult with this game lengua.gif

2) Good idea, this will be exactly what we'll do!

3) That makes sence as well. No telling it doesn't have grapple follows the rules as well, since altered special abilities with named monsters don't have to be mentioned.

Thanks for the help!

I agree you don't have to tell them about the grapple when they see the monster, but you should tell them when they're standing next to it - if they have no way of knowing they can use movement points, the monster might as well have the grapple.

That sounds logical as well gui%C3%B1o.gif