Deck lists for set 4 starter decks?

By greenkoolaid, in Hollow Bastion

Can someone please post the deck lists for each of the new starter decks? Thank in advance.

I'm cracking a box of them as you asked this. I was going to post it anyway. Have results for you in a few minutes.

Okay, it looks like all of them have this, in order.

2x Don lvl 1

2x Goofy lvl 1

2x Jack lvl 1

1x Pegasus

1x Aladdin lvl 1

1x Abu lvl 1

3x Twilight Town lvl 2

2x Olympus Coliseum lvl 1

1x Port Royal lvl 2

2x Shadow lvl 1

2x Bouncywild

2x Hydra

1x Cure

1x Fire

1x Pot Centipede

1x Twilight Town lvl 3

1x Kingdom Key

1x Goofy lvl 3

1x Sora lvl 1

1x Merlin lvl 3

1x WIll Turner

2x Olympus Coliseum lvl 3

1x Elizabeth Swan

1x Decisive Pumpkin (why?)

1x Olympia

1x Mr. Smee

1x Dragoon

1x Peter Pan lvl 1

Valor Form comes with Don lvl 4 and Comet. Wisdom Form comes with Goofy lvl 4 and Whirli-goof, Mickey comes with Pot Spider and Tinkerbell lvl 2

So in General Its not worth Buying the Starters unless you really need the Front Card and/or the Goofy or Donald.

Or if you need a kingdom key or pot centipede. they're the fixed rares.

thanks for posting them.

You sure you didn't get the Valor special cards and Wisdom special cards mixed up? Level 4 Goofy is more suited for the Valor deck and Level 4 Donald is more suited for the Wisdom deck.

Knuckles Eki said:

You sure you didn't get the Valor special cards and Wisdom special cards mixed up? Level 4 Goofy is more suited for the Valor deck and Level 4 Donald is more suited for the Wisdom deck.

Logically, yes.

From the point of view of someone who's trying to get you to buy more of their products: No.

That's just plain cheap of them.

Knuckles Eki said:

That's just plain cheap of them.


Did you not see the sign on the way in that read "Hi, we want your money."?