Is Y'golonac overpowered?

By nydus666, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Hello everyone,

I have played about a dozen games of CoC LCG with some of my buddies and we all came to the conclusion that Y'golonac is overpowered.

By our experience whenever Y'golonac is on one side of the board, the other side must deal with him as all costs and as fast as possible because of how easy it is to control the entire board with this single card.

Are we the only one to have encountered major issues with this card?

What are your thoughts about this?

Thanks a lot!

sweet mother of cthulhu....

OK -

1 - in LCG -only - you get 4 icons (only one combat, though) 4 skill, invunerability and an ability, that. actually in this format is not that useful. It is simply big character, that cannot be wounded. Also - his unique - so the opponent can have only one in play. Looking at this Dagon is beter - for only 1 more in cost, you get more skill, and if you only have young dep one in play, your opponent is not even able to use a destroy effect (like Depp one assault) on Dagon.

So no, he is not broken. Simply powerfull - a threat card. either destroy him or return to hand (ghastly regiment) or use agency/ sindicate characters with willpower and investigation. learn simply how to deal with him.

2 - legacy format - different here, there is a lot of pretty dangerous things that you want to make ready - Ithaqua, Chaugnar Faughn etc.

Then again - you have a lot more answers to him - like strike the shepherd - you destroy him for 1 (!).

3 - wanna see broken cards - mentor to vaughn, assistant to dr west, nyarlathotep, ghoul khanum, glimpse of the void, adoration of thoth, Ithaqua.... the list is very long.

seems my play group thinks descendant of eibon is broken. i dont agree with that but another powerful card i guess. honestly i think mentor might be the only broken card, there were some broken combos back in the days of ccg though.


I'm not sure what that means?

IMHO he is not broken nor does he need to be changed in any way.

Agreeing with Urban, he is a powerfull card for his cost. We want powerfull cards in the game.

Some cards need to stand a notch or two above your average utility card and for the sake of

theme and flavour Ancient Ones should always be so.

With the new faq I see that Y'golonac can force ready characters to follow him to a story.

In our game group we interpreted it that he could only force exhausted characters.

He was powerfull enough by our interpretation! I may have to reconsider my earlier comments.

Y'Golonac is very strong. I honestly think he's underpriced for what he does - were he 5 like Dagon instead of 4 he'd be perfect.

That aside, he isn't invincible. Guess what? All it takes is a silly little 1 cost Called By Azathoth and suddenly Y'Golonac is without his ability and no longer invulnerable. There's various other options . . . Richard Upton Pickman's effect, Despair, Scotophobia + Agoraphobia, any card that "destroys" rather than wounds (Deep One Assault, Thomas F. Malone's effect, etc) . . . like I said, Y'Golonac is strong but hardly unstoppable.

Oh, and Tear Gas + any skill lowering effect in Syndicate . . . in fact, Syndicate in general can just tap him and breeze past him.

Depending on how many resources they have, that is :)

(is there an edit function? Making multiple posts sucks)

the EDIT function works only for a few minutes after you made your post (sucks, I know).

And keep in mind - Y'go is UNIQUE, opponent can have only ONE Y'go in play... Surely everyone can think of a way to deal with ONE card on the table...