Invulnerability potions in RTL?

By dmfergus2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Has anyone succesfully integrated invulnerability potions into RTL? Or does anyone have some thoughts on how this might be accomplished?


This type of potion is not to be used in RTL. It is stated in the RTL rulebook.

Now if you want to make use of them with some house rules, go for it.

Ezhaeu said:

This type of potion is not to be used in RTL. It is stated in the RTL rulebook.

Now if you want to make use of them with some house rules, go for it.

Yes, thank you. I was wondering if anyone has come up with some house rules already that seem to work and would like to share them. :)

I'm sure that this is a sub-par incorporation, but I was upset about having a whole set of potions that couldn't be used in RtL (really the only version of Descent I play), and so have sort of taken two different approaches toward invulnerability potions with different campaigns.

1. They add 10 armor vs. the next attack to strike the hero (kind of like how the Potions of Power only work for the next attack) instead of allowing the hero to choose. (this way led to a lot of cheap shots, though, with kobolds and other weaklings making a quick strike against a hero just to get rid of their invulnerability).

2. They add 10 armor vs. any one attack of the hero's choice until the start of the hero's next turn (originally it was immune to all attacks until the beginning of the next turn, but this proved to be a bit too powerful, especially on some levels, though for others it seemed to work out just fine).

Like I said, I'm sure these solutions are full of flaws, but I too would love to have a way to incorporate these potions into RtL, give a defense potion to compliment the attack value of Potions of Power. It would be nice if there could be an official ruling other than "no Potions of Invulnerability" like, even reducing the armor value to +3, or +6 in silver and +9 in gold or something.

Thanks for the input! Have you tried using them normally at all? I haven't had a chance to but I'm curious why they don't work out.

Also, I could be wrong, but other potions don't get any better as the campaign progresses, so I don't see a need for invulnerability potions to.