Well, since ShadoWar has bee nsold to us as "every major empire at their prime at the same time", that means we should have some some input as to what sorts of fighting styles/characters we want to see. Here's my top 5:
Spanish conquistador
(dude equipped with heavy armor, a musket, a sabre, and of course a twirly mustache)
; a fairly unheralded and poorly represented archetype we have ignored for too long.
2. African tribal warrior
(spear and club, leather shield, and tribal paint);
Shaka Zulu
just looks cool, dude.
3. Roman centurion (banded mail, gladius, pugio, pilum, scutum); this is just bad-assery incarnate, and you gotta love it.
4. Arab warrior (think scimitar, turban, beard, yadda yadda); very cool-looking dude, and it would be cool to see a flying carpet Asset.
5. SAMURAI (a REAL samurai, folks; the full daisho, and the traditional armor too); do I have to explain why I want to see a real samurai? Really? Come on, now.
Sooo... what do YOU want to see?