Ship overlap and can't move

By Blitz, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Okay different game but in BFG it assumed scale is relative and everything is signicatly smaller than your models and your ships will not accidentally collide give the distance they are really engaging at, you can intentionally ram to board though.

I've had ships bump in armada but yet to see them get stuck against eachother. Really if your that close you should be at least thinking about a nav command.

Thanks for the response guys.

Yeah my only concern was that we are only playing with medium and small ships at the moment. The Large ships (ISD and Mon Cal) aren't showing up till later this year and those bases will take up even more playing area. If these two happen to collide at the right angle they could be stuck there all game seeing they will probably have about 10 to 12 hull points and only a top speed of 2.

in future I'll just plan better to avoid the problem.


We need to find a "fix" for this ASAP because the idea of ships bumping into each other like bumper cars, in the same spot, in the middle of space is a little concerning.

I mean it's not quite how I envision cap ship combat in the Star Wars universe.

Thought the same thing when it happened in my game, but the fact is, you do see this in one of the films and two ships just slowly tear each other apart, so I'm ok with it now,

If you don't mind me which movie did this happen?

Actually there is a scene in the movies where a larger ship and a smaller ship collide, and the smaller ship is destroyed when it cant get out of the way, just like with this rule.

It is in return of the jedi when the executor (smaller) collides with the death star (larger), wich by the way, is during the only major cap ship battle in the original triligy.

Thus, this rule MUST NOT change as it is cannonical.

We need to find a "fix" for this ASAP because the idea of ships bumping into each other like bumper cars, in the same spot, in the middle of space is a little concerning.

I mean it's not quite how I envision cap ship combat in the Star Wars universe.

Thought the same thing when it happened in my game, but the fact is, you do see this in one of the films and two ships just slowly tear each other apart, so I'm ok with it now,

If you don't mind me which movie did this happen?

Actually there is a scene in the movies where a larger ship and a smaller ship collide, and the smaller ship is destroyed when it cant get out of the way, just like with this rule.

It is in return of the jedi when the executor (smaller) collides with the death star (larger), wich by the way, is during the only major cap ship battle in the original triligy.

Thus, this rule MUST NOT change as it is cannonical.

Ummmm......... OK when they introduce the SSD and Death Star into the game I'll accept this.

But what if both players deploy a DS? They'd be bouncing off each other like the alien in Dark Star.

We need to find a "fix" for this ASAP because the idea of ships bumping into each other like bumper cars, in the same spot, in the middle of space is a little concerning.

I mean it's not quite how I envision cap ship combat in the Star Wars universe.

Thought the same thing when it happened in my game, but the fact is, you do see this in one of the films and two ships just slowly tear each other apart, so I'm ok with it now,

If you don't mind me which movie did this happen?

Actually there is a scene in the movies where a larger ship and a smaller ship collide, and the smaller ship is destroyed when it cant get out of the way, just like with this rule.

It is in return of the jedi when the executor (smaller) collides with the death star (larger), wich by the way, is during the only major cap ship battle in the original triligy.

Thus, this rule MUST NOT change as it is cannonical.

Death Star is a Battle Station and rules for overlapping stations exist lol.

Kinda glad I found this. I actually had the opposite problem [ Or, should I say... I maliciously used the rules in my favor?]

I was playing rebels with the starter box running the starter mission. I literally pump the engines to max on the corvett and nebula, and work my way around the Vic on either side. Friend chose to angle towards the corvette. Either way, originally I had no intentions of ramming the Nebula into the back of the Vic, but, I couldn't control it and didn't slow down fast enough so... Wala, it happened. Though I suddenly realized that this is EXACTLY how I wanted to destroy the Vic, and my friend was suddenly aggrevated and didn't want to play Imperials ever again. I was constantly putting haul damage on him, and he was firing one less red dice at me. I adjusted my manuever down so I'd always collide with him... /always/.... Following the rules as best two new players could [i honestly think the rule book for learning is not as clear as it could be,] the nebula won.


It literally says "Both ships receive one face down damage card." So, I'm bypassing shields completely. [i see it as equal exchange of damage]

As far as I can tell I am NOT required to find a route that is free of collision. I can intentionally collide with the other ship as long as I want to. [Hooray! I'm gonna stay in your weak butt arc and ram you for a fair 1 hull damage to both of us that ignores shields and defenses! if I angle myself right, I'll get 2 shots per turn!]


In X-Wing, if you collide with a ship you werent allowed to shoot at it. [Actually, both couldn't shoot at each other.] Maybe this kind of rule should be revisited. This would really discourage tactics like the one I used.]

Why is there not damage based on ship size doing the ramming and ship sized being rammed? [Might make it less meaningful to ram my small ship into a medium ship constantly.]

A ship that collides with another, should come to a complete stop "0" or be considered at "0" speed. This makes it so that ship suddenly can't use it's defense tokens, and they have to build their momentum up again. Devestating consequences for ramming another ship [Also allows for fun upgrades or unique ships later that might bypass or manipulate these rules]

Is this just something that I will probably find in a starter kit learning game? I feel like it may be. If there are more ships on the field then I assume other ships can back up the Vic and basically hammer the smaller ship that enjoys sniffing the back end of larger slower ships.

I'm also MORE than willing to accept I am doing something wrong here =)

Edited by Chioxin

That's all allowed, and tbh it's more an issue with the base game limited ships and squadrons than anything else. In a full game you'd have another Imperial ship dropping you, or TIE bombers doing a number on you as the Imperial player knows exactly where you'll be.

That's all allowed, and tbh it's more an issue with the base game limited ships and squadrons than anything else. In a full game you'd have another Imperial ship dropping you, or TIE bombers doing a number on you as the Imperial player knows exactly where you'll be.

That's kinda what I was hoping and I was telling my friend the same thing. That in a sense it probably won't happen in larger scale games... Time will tell! [Hope Wave 1 comes soon!]

With current game experience, I'm thinking that ramming is the only way to take down a SD :/

That's because the Rebel ships in the Core Set don't throw enough dice to outpace possible repairs on average. The second you introduce the ability to 3 on 1 a VSD you will notice you no longer have an issue killing it.

Dodonna crit stops the use of command tokens. VSD goes down like bag of poo in a 180 point game, for the record. I guess knowing this could,happen you might just dial engineering every turn and then maybe it doesn't?

@Grobb, Tarkin + Weapons Liaisons actually does make setting the dial to Engineering each turn the most effective thing possible to do since it gives access to the Concentrate Fire and Squadron dial commands as the player needs them on the fly. It's pretty much like getting to set three unstacked dials and picking which one would work best at the time you activate each ship, and this is true for each other capitol ship in the fleet with the weapons liaison upgrade.

I don't mind it. I just assume that they are smashing through each other slowly and the weaker ship explodes. The one thing I wish is that it conveyed mass better, like you take an extra damage ramming something larger than you. I just don't believe a small ship ramming a huge ship will result in equal damage.

I don't mind it. I just assume that they are smashing through each other slowly and the weaker ship explodes. The one thing I wish is that it conveyed mass better, like you take an extra damage ramming something larger than you. I just don't believe a small ship ramming a huge ship will result in equal damage.

It's allready like that.

Corvet has 4 hull. VSD has 8 hull. When they collide, they are both delat one damage card. That is 25% of the corvettes hull and only 12.5% of the VSDs hull. So a lot more damage done to the small ship.

I don't see an issue with this, it definitely can ehance the theme of the game if you think of it in the right way. Imagine the below scenario:

Through sheer force and tactical prowess the Imperial Forces are able to eliminate several escort squadrons and heavily damage the Rebel Nebulon B Frigate. With a heavy heart the captain of the closest CR-90 Corvette announces to his crew and superiors on the "Dodonna's Pride" that he plans to ram the VSD head on. The commanders on "The Pride" try to talk him out of it but the ship is already careening towards the VSD. The course set by our unknown captain, is planned to do maximum damage to the VSD, the goal to cut the biggest swath of ship right down the middle. The corvette makes contact the sound of metal scraping together is deafening. As the ship careens toward the lower command section of the VSD the Imperial commander bellows to his gunnery teams to intensify forward fire on that ship. Meanwhile the gunner on the corvette does what he can to keep firing at the VSD and do as much damage as possible before the end. Then it happens, the corvette explodes, the VSD crew is scrambling to repair the damage are surprised by more explosions. It's "The Pride" unleashing full barrage of fire, exploiting the weakened shields that their comrades had created. The VSD tries to regroup but more fire comes from the Damaged Frigate and the VSD is destroyed.

I might finish this later, I have to go.