4 cards questioned

By PearlJamaholic, in CoC Rules Discussion

maybe this has all been answered somewhere but the search isnt that great so im just gonna ask again.

first off is basically the same question for 2 cards.

-- Cthulhu --
The Terror of the Tides
Type : Character
Cost : 6
Skill : 4
Icons : TCC
Subtype : Monster.
Game Text: Toughness +5. Action: Pay 3 to put The Terror of the Tides into play from your hand. Then, give The Terror of the Tides 4 wounds.

-- Neutral --
Parallel Universe
Type : Support
Cost : 1
Subtype : Environment. Attachment.
Game Text: Action: Pay 1 to attach Parallel Universe from your hand to a story card. When resolving struggles at attached story, count the total skill of all participating characters instead of the icons to determine the winner of each struggle.

now it seems pretty clear to me that these cards can be played at anytime, including the story phase, but some of the players in our group think that it doesnt work that way, but im just double checking. if they was a restriction the cards would clearly say play during your operations phase or something like that.

the 3rd card is military bike. im sure this has recently come up, so sorry.

can the attached character recommit to a story that has no characters committed? there was some debate on whether a story that had no characters committed during the normal committing part still resolve, even though they have no characters. i guess in a nutshell do all three stories resolve every story phase, no matter what?

and lastly. living mummy and hideous guardian. does it take the wounds from just one character or does the disrupt work 6 times on the same trigger?

For the first two, the ACTION part can be played anytime actions are permitted (see the flowchart for when actions occur). So, you are basically correct, except they can only be done during ACTION boxes.

All three stories resolve during the story phase, in the order chosen by the active player. As far as I can tell, the motorcycle can move to a story with no other committed characters, and if that story has not resolved yet will be involved in the resolution.

I'm unclear on your fourth question - not sure what you are actually asking?

As has been noted, with the two cards you listed, both can be used any time you could play an action, not just your Operations phase.

Regarding the Military Bike, you can't use it as a defender to commit to a story the attacker declared no characters to attack (this is actually in the FAQ now). As for using it as the attacker . . . I think moving to any unresolved story would be valid, and the defender would just have to account for that, but I'm not 100% sure.

As for the fourth question . . . I don't know what card you refer to as Hideous Guardian. But if Living Mummy were say, Short Fused, I'm quite sure that his trigger would only go off once (which is a Forced Response, not a Disrupt, by the way).

my question with living mummy was it hits the discard pile, wound all characters. can hideous guardian soak up wounds for numerous characters? can that disrupt keep happening until the guardian is dead?

i was asking about the bike from only a attacking point since defending you cant commit to stories that the first player didnt commit to.

so i was correct with the other cards, i thought action: was a pretty clear thing.

Regarding Military Bike what Amante said above is accurate based on the recent FAQ. The attacker (active player) can pretty much move it to any story they like, while the defender (opponent) is limited to only stories where the active player committed characters.

In regards to living Mummy and Hideous GuardianI think what you're asking is this. Lets suppose you control at least 7 characters, one of which is Hideous Guardian. Then a Living Mummy somewhere in play enters the discard pile.

When an effect affects multiple targets at once the player who controls the targets chooses the order in which they resolve (starting with the active player). You could choose your six other characters one at a time and Disrupt their wounds onto Hideous Guardian. And then once Hideous Guardian took his sixth wound, he would be destroyed. But... you'll have kept 6 other characters on the board.