A lil help?

By Choitz, in Hollow Bastion

Alright, so I've been wantin to do this for quite some time, but haven't really been able to (due to RL circumstances 'n the sort).

Is there, by any chance, anyone that may know of a site or sites that have the actual Japanese cards on display? Or a Japanese rulebook, for that matter (I think I found one that was translated, but I'm not sure. It has some very interestin tidbits in it [such as all decks must be 41 cards exactly, 'n you may have as many copies of a card in a deck as you'd like {I like this, personally}, etc..], 'n I'd like to make sure it's the real thing)? I've tried searchin, but with no real luck, 'n I thought 'Maybe someone else knows?'.

If you're about as annoy'd by how things are or have turn'd out, then certainly, findin the actual cards 'n rulebook may help us out a lot more than what we see 'n have currently. I just would like to know if anyone has seen or heard bout a site or two that may have the info that we need to really get the gameplay correctly.

What about emailing Tomy Japan and seeing if they could send you a PDF version of the Japanese rulebook?

That kinda sounds awesome with the deck rules.

Yeah that does sound cool XD