If a Squad is on an obstacle

By Larac, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

The X Wings are sitting on an asteroid.

The VSD wants to use anti fighter attack does it lose a die, for the obstacle?

If it had only one die, does it not shoot?

If it was Tie Fighter shooting the X Wing, does it lose a die?

I think it loses the die, in both cases and can go to zero, but not sure, as under obstruction it just talks about shooting.

But the effect of obstacles on Squads hints I could be wrong.




All with a caveat: Line of sight to a defending squadron is closest point to the attacking squadron or ship's hull zone. This may change LoS and obstruction.

The X Wings are sitting on an asteroid.

The VSD wants to use anti fighter attack does it lose a die, for the obstacle?

If it had only one die, does it not shoot?

If it was Tie Fighter shooting the X Wing, does it lose a die?

I think it loses the die, in both cases and can go to zero, but not sure, as under obstruction it just talks about shooting.

But the effect of obstacles on Squads hints I could be wrong.

Assuming that the X-Wing Squadron is located on the asteroid in a way that line of sight actually has to cross the asteroid to reach the closest point of the base, yes to all.

Squadrons are merely immune to the damage effects of obstacles.

Obstruction rules still apply, meaning that if they are fully surrounded by being placed smack in the middle of the asteroid dice are lost for shooting at and with them and they cannot really engage anyone or be engaged due to LOS being obstructed.

I very much like the idea how squadrons can be hiding in Debris and Asteroids and waiting to pounce passing ships ;-)

Could you point out were in the rules you got this? I was rereading them last night and everything that I could find only talked about obstruction in regards to ships. Not saying it is not there, as the rules are a little convluded being in two books.

Asteroid Field: The ship is dealt one faceup damage card. Squadrons are unaffected.

Attacks that draw line of sight through an obstacle token are obstructed.

If an attack is obstructed by one or more ships or obstacles, the attacker must choose and remove one die from his attack pool before he rolls dice during the “Roll Attack Dice” step.

Ships also obstruct attacks, so you can hide squadrons on the other side of ships. :D

Look under obstacles and obstructions.

The X Wings are sitting on an asteroid.

The VSD wants to use anti fighter attack does it lose a die, for the obstacle?

If it had only one die, does it not shoot?

If it was Tie Fighter shooting the X Wing, does it lose a die?

I think it loses the die, in both cases and can go to zero, but not sure, as under obstruction it just talks about shooting.

But the effect of obstacles on Squads hints I could be wrong.

Assuming that the X-Wing Squadron is located on the asteroid in a way that line of sight actually has to cross the asteroid to reach the closest point of the base, yes to all.

Squadrons are merely immune to the damage effects of obstacles.

Obstruction rules still apply, meaning that if they are fully surrounded by being placed smack in the middle of the asteroid dice are lost for shooting at and with them and they cannot really engage anyone or be engaged due to LOS being obstructed.

I very much like the idea how squadrons can be hiding in Debris and Asteroids and waiting to pounce passing ships ;-)

Does it say something specifically in the rule book about how obstacles would affect engagement? I had a situation in a tourny where I had a couple of fighters in the space station with an enemy fighter one distance away, but outside of the station. They judge couldn't find anything in the rule book about the given situation and the ruling was that my two fighters were engaged.

Also, if two enemy fighters are completely within the space station and their bases are touching, are they engaged?

There are indeed Rules explicitly for what you need...

1) If Line of Sight is Drawn over an Obstacle, that is Obstructed... Squadrons that are Obstructed from each other Are Not Engaged (however, if they are at Distance 1, they may shoot at each other anyway)

RRG Page 6, "Engagement":

• If line of sight between two squadrons is obstructed, those squadrons are not engaged even if at distance 1 of each other, though they can still attack each other.

2) There is an Addenum to the Above, which says that they are Obstructed Even if the Bases Are Touching ... Ergo, they are Not Engaged .

RRG, Page 8, "Obstructed"

• If line of sight is drawn over an obstacle, the attack is obstructed even if the bases of the attacker and defender are touching.

So, Ergo. If there is an obstacle in the way, they Are Obstructed - They are Not Engaged, but may still shoot at each other (with the obstructed -1 dice penalty).

This applies even if they are on the same Obstacle, and their Bases are Touching.

Edited by Drasnighta

I'll def have to remember this for next time seeing as I like hiding my squadrons in obstacles.

I'll def have to remember this for next time seeing as I like hiding my squadrons in obstacles.

Indeed. Keep in mind as well, the 1-Die Penalty for shooting applies to both Anti-Squadron, and Battery Armaments...

So TIE Bombers or Y-Wings on an Obstacle, with Obstructed Shots... Cannot Bomb Ships ...

Of the Basic Squadrons, only B-Wings can...

To be thematic, a TIE squadron that lands on an obstacle should take one hit per turn.


To be thematic, a TIE squadron that lands on an obstacle should take one hit per turn.


But only Asteroid Tokens, and only if the Millennium Falcon is also on that Asteroid Token....