The topic title says it all but let me introduce what happened to our game of Starcraft (with BW exp) on the weekend.
Our group: four 30-year-old guys:
We were playing a 4 player game and I was playing the Hivemind as 3rd player. I took the strategy card that gives me an extra Conquest point every turn while it's on the board. I place it on my 2CP home planet, giving me three! points on the first turn. So I start looking at my board position and I calculate I could probably win the game by turn 4, definitely by turn 5, but not against three other players. When placing z-axis points, player three opens up my homeplanet and player 1's homeworld. Everybody at the table starts talking that they're gonna have to smash me good, and so I think, "Well, I'm gonna smash first, first turn zergling rush! Rawr" So we're placing orders and player 1 places 3 orders on his home planet and 1 on a neighboring planet. I place my 4th order on his stack of 3, and of course it's a move order (gold). Player 1 is Protoss and has only 2 units on the board, both at his home base.
He elects to not resolve his move order and stays at home, with his two units at his base. Results were I totally smashed him, and took him out of the game, managed to take over a neighboring planet for another CP leaving me with a total of 5! CP at the end of turn one and hime not doing anything at all in the game. Nothing!
Turn two, I lose the P1's homeworld to Player 4, so at the end of turn 2, I have 9 points.
Turn three, I manage to hold on to my planet, giving me 13 points at the end of turn three.
Turn four, I mess up and only get one CP, total 14.
Turn five, I get three CP, final total is 17 CP, second place was at about 9.
So yeah, the strategy worked, but at the cost of a friend (one of my best buddies) having to sit out a really long game. Fortunately (?) player 2 was really tired and bowed out letting P1 to play his empire, but P2 was a new player and hadn't played b4 so his board position wasn't very strong when P1 took over at the end of turn two.
I felt kind of guilty as I was doing it, but I envisioned this awesome victory after only a few turns. It happened, but after reflection, I felt that I put my enjoyment of a victory over my buddy's enjoyment of the game. Game-wise a legitimate way to play, but I think breaks the social contract of a long boardgame play.
What do you all think? Should you take someone out if you can. Or should great power come with great responsibility?