Things that need clarification BEFORE GenCon

By Fairbanks, in Rules Discussions

Air Soldier+Cave of Wonders Guardian. The way they are worded, they lock the world. However, this isn't so bad, as it forces decks to run magic, Pan (as he blanks the air soldier), Herc, Beast, Minnie Mouse, or just actually use the escape action from the rulebook. In reality, this being a pseudo lock on a world is not a bad thing, and I'd say that we should just assume this is the case.

All of the "world" cards from set 4. I thought there was an intention with Leon, and Decisive Pumpkin seems right on, but then after reading Pegasus and Hades, it seems like someone really dropped the ball. This needs a ruling, post haste.

I think this may've been answered, but can 6 Peter Pan lvl 1's now be run, as it's a different card type? I would say no, but then this needs to extrapolate to Olympia, Oathkeeper, etc.

I think that having a choice between which Phil to use is a good idea, as there are benefits and detriments to both (assuming the "Olympus Coliseum" garbage gets taken care of).

And then, this is my personal beef with the rulings: New Pot Spider. It's been ruled that, for every one of these your opponent plays, you will lose 1 hp. If they play and replay so that they've played 6 of them, you lose 6 hp. Darkwing quoted the ruling he got from Jaffer, but the argument made is incredibly faulty. The claim is that the clause about the cards not being cumulative means that they are not recurring (you don't lose 1 from each every turn). Except that this is like needing to say that you don't activate Don lvl 4 every turn and search a magic card.

The Pot Spider has an entering play effect. It triggers ONLY when entering play, and then he is essentially blank thereafter. The ruling would be fine, if it weren't for the clause that they aren't cumulative (which means that they are not additive). This goes beyond Leon+Simba lvl 4, where we were basically told that in order for Simba to succeed, you need to only have 1 friend left, and thus must pick Leon. While most of us thought that was ridiculous, we accepted the reasoning and moved on. This is abusive and goes directly against the wording of the card.

Please add to the list.

Not going to GenCon, but these might want to be cleared:

Organization 13 members:
Are Nobody Unique when played by them,
Is Samurai Powered down with Roxas

For Dark Decks,
My Darks as friends, when something would modify their support, is it first added to their pow first than rounded down, or is it added on after the round down.
Ex: Olympus Coliseum Lv1 with a Dark Friend. Does it add on to their pow, or to their rounded down pow.

I would say the same for Diz but they already fixed that ruling...just made me angry that it was different than what the card stated or that that info was left out >.> lol

Jayce_Ryu_Tismotto said:

Are Nobody Unique when played by them,

My Darks as friends, when something would modify their support, is it first added to their pow first than rounded down, or is it added on after the round down.








And Dark cards:
If the card modifying their support specifically says that it's the SUPPORT that gets modified, then you wouldn't re-total and halve again, since the halved value is their Support now, not their POW.

If it increases their POW, then you'd re-total and halve.

sungtrs said:

I would say the same for Diz but they already fixed that ruling...just made me angry that it was different than what the card stated or that that info was left out >.> lol

Fixed what ruling? I mean, they shouldn't be +1 counters, but I'm pretty sure that's the ruling we've got right now. As to them not being permanent, of course they weren't. People seem to glance at a card, think it says something, and never, ever read it again. This is likely what happened with Diz, and people assumed he just transferred the counters.

Fairbanks said:

sungtrs said:

I would say the same for Diz but they already fixed that ruling...just made me angry that it was different than what the card stated or that that info was left out >.> lol

Fixed what ruling? I mean, they shouldn't be +1 counters, but I'm pretty sure that's the ruling we've got right now. As to them not being permanent, of course they weren't. People seem to glance at a card, think it says something, and never, ever read it again. This is likely what happened with Diz, and people assumed he just transferred the counters.

I meant that it was resolved by asking jaffar lol I mean I'm still confused on the whole thing about Diz, so I don't bother using him, plus he seems to be a crappy card or so it would seem since I heard lots of people sayin that O_O. But yeah I was tripped out about the whole counter removed after each phase part. I thought it would have been removed after the turn was over so I guess that's where the usefulness went out perhaps?

No, the counters never go on Riku. This is why people saying that they're +1 counters and them boosting Diz is ridiculous (but hey, those are the rulings!)

Again, this is one of those instances where people don't actually read the card. He never transfers anything. He just removes a token from himself to give Riku a bonus. The duration of the bonus, like many things in this game with an unspecified duration, is until the end of the phase.

Oh I c thanx for making it clearer for me XD

Fairbanks said:

Air Soldier+Cave of Wonders Guardian. The way they are worded, they lock the world. However, this isn't so bad, as it forces decks to run magic, Pan (as he blanks the air soldier), Herc, Beast, Minnie Mouse, or just actually use the escape action from the rulebook. In reality, this being a pseudo lock on a world is not a bad thing, and I'd say that we should just assume this is the case.

The original Japanese Ruling was this: Both effects happen at the same time (when applying damage), but oppose each other. In this case, the player that is Battling chooses which of the effects of apply first. If "Air Soldier" is chosen, damage must be first applied to "Air Soldier," and if damage greater than or equal to its POW is dealt to it, you may distribute the remaining damage to others as you see fit. If "Cave of Wonders Guardian" is chosen, all damage must be applied to "Cave of Wonders Guradian"

Fairbanks said:

All of the "world" cards from set 4. I thought there was an intention with Leon, and Decisive Pumpkin seems right on, but then after reading Pegasus and Hades, it seems like someone really dropped the ball. This needs a ruling, post haste.

I think that having a choice between which Phil to use is a good idea, as there are benefits and detriments to both (assuming the "Olympus Coliseum" garbage gets taken care of).

I believe I posted this a few places already...but Cards like Leon, Pegasus and Wishing Lamp are only effected by the World Cards, not friends with the symbol. The way it was explained was Quotation Marks indicates the world, and Bold italics means the symbol...see Choitz's post at the treehouse to learn more about how this is a ridiculous ruling.

Fairbanks said:

I think this may've been answered, but can 6 Peter Pan lvl 1's now be run, as it's a different card type? I would say no, but then this needs to extrapolate to Olympia, Oathkeeper, etc.

This was also answered a little bit ago. You would be correct though, you can only run 3 Peter Pan level 1s...2 of one, 1 of the other or whatever combination thereof. Same goes for Oblivion/Oathkeeper Attack and Oblivion/Oathkeeper Equipment

WayToTheDawn said:

The original Japanese Ruling was this: Both effects happen at the same time (when applying damage), but oppose each other. In this case, the player that is Battling chooses which of the effects of apply first. If "Air Soldier" is chosen, damage must be first applied to "Air Soldier," and if damage greater than or equal to its POW is dealt to it, you may distribute the remaining damage to others as you see fit. If "Cave of Wonders Guardian" is chosen, all damage must be applied to "Cave of Wonders Guradian"

I believe I posted this a few places already...but Cards like Leon, Pegasus and Wishing Lamp are only effected by the World Cards, not friends with the symbol. The way it was explained was Quotation Marks indicates the world, and Bold italics means the symbol...see Choitz's post at the treehouse to learn more about how this is a ridiculous ruling.

Seriously? It's really not that powerful to have it lock the world. Oh well. As to you already posting it, I know, and I read Choitz's bit, which is why I say that we need clarification for every single one of these cards. I guess Hades is the only one that gets no love though, all the other ones are just seriously gimped.

Also, while we're on the subject of rulings, I can't remember, does Wizard prefent Magic/Friends too, even though he just referes to Magic Cards (I thought he did, but I'm still covered in some rust...)

Fairbanks said:

WayToTheDawn said:

The original Japanese Ruling was this: Both effects happen at the same time (when applying damage), but oppose each other. In this case, the player that is Battling chooses which of the effects of apply first. If "Air Soldier" is chosen, damage must be first applied to "Air Soldier," and if damage greater than or equal to its POW is dealt to it, you may distribute the remaining damage to others as you see fit. If "Cave of Wonders Guardian" is chosen, all damage must be applied to "Cave of Wonders Guradian"

I believe I posted this a few places already...but Cards like Leon, Pegasus and Wishing Lamp are only effected by the World Cards, not friends with the symbol. The way it was explained was Quotation Marks indicates the world, and Bold italics means the symbol...see Choitz's post at the treehouse to learn more about how this is a ridiculous ruling.

Seriously? It's really not that powerful to have it lock the world. Oh well. As to you already posting it, I know, and I read Choitz's bit, which is why I say that we need clarification for every single one of these cards. I guess Hades is the only one that gets no love though, all the other ones are just seriously gimped.

Also, while we're on the subject of rulings, I can't remember, does Wizard prefent Magic/Friends too, even though he just referes to Magic Cards (I thought he did, but I'm still covered in some rust...)

He does still stop Magic/Friends sir.

And ya know what. I'm just sick and tired of FFG ruining good play mechanics with horrible by the power vested (is that the right word?)in me by Jaffer when I was a Mod...I hereby rule that cards like Leon, Wishing Lamp, and how they should. They will draw a card for each card with that symbol. This is how I will run the tournaments at GenCon unless FFG forces me to do otherwise. *bangs gavel*

WayToTheDawn said:

And ya know what. I'm just sick and tired of FFG ruining good play mechanics with horrible by the power vested (is that the right word?)in me by Jaffer when I was a Mod...I hereby rule that cards like Leon, Wishing Lamp, and how they should. They will draw a card for each card with that symbol. This is how I will run the tournaments at GenCon unless FFG forces me to do otherwise. *bangs gavel*

I APROVE!! 'N second the motion!!

I would make an announcement with a sticky about it. Are world cards included in this as well? So, for Pegasus, you'd get a card for Hercules or for Olympus Coliseum lvl 1?

Fairbanks said:

I would make an announcement with a sticky about it. Are world cards included in this as well? So, for Pegasus, you'd get a card for Hercules or for Olympus Coliseum lvl 1?

Hercules, any Olympus Coliseum World, Megara, Pain, Panic, Auron, Hydra, Phil and any I'm forgetting.

Oh yeah! > :D muahahahaha I like how this is going rofls!