
By Bubbi2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Im playing the little farie with flying in oure new RtL campaign. But we have a little rule mess.

I can fly over others, but what happens when I fly over an unactivated Glyph with a mob on it. Will it activate then?

How about obstacels, what benefits do I get/dosent I get, what hindrences do I get?

Thanks for any help



Bubbi said:


Im playing the little farie with flying in oure new RtL campaign. But we have a little rule mess.

I can fly over others, but what happens when I fly over an unactivated Glyph with a mob on it. Will it activate then?

How about obstacels, what benefits do I get/dosent I get, what hindrences do I get?

Thanks for any help



Figures with the Flying ability may move through enemy figures and obstacles as if they weren’t there. However, flying figures cannot end their movement in a space containing another figure, or an obstacle that blocks movement. A flying figure may end its turn in a space containing an obstacle that inflicts damage without effect.

It is actually remarkably straightforward. Just follow exactly what the rules say.
You may move through (enemy, and friendly anyway) figures and obstacles as if they weren't there. You just can't end on an obstacle which blocks movement or on another figure.
As if they weren't there means that they have no effect at all on you - after all, for you they aren't there (at least when you are moving)...

You do need to be careful to note what is an obstacle and what is not. Just go back to the rulebook and check what section each item is under when it is introduced.
The only thing that is slightly tricky is that several of the Trap Cards leave behind Obstacles. The Trap Cards still affect the Flyer, but after the trap has resolved, the obstacle left behind will not affect them any longer.

As for glyphs, the rule for glyph is that they activate when you move into their space. If you overfly them when there is an enemy figure on the glyph then you have entered the glyph space so it activates.
Monsters may not end their movement on an activated glyph, so during the monster's next turn it must move off the glyph if it can.

Corbon said:

Bubbi said:


Im playing the little farie with flying in oure new RtL campaign. But we have a little rule mess.

I can fly over others, but what happens when I fly over an unactivated Glyph with a mob on it. Will it activate then?

How about obstacels, what benefits do I get/dosent I get, what hindrences do I get?

Thanks for any help



Figures with the Flying ability may move through enemy figures and obstacles as if they weren’t there. However, flying figures cannot end their movement in a space containing another figure, or an obstacle that blocks movement. A flying figure may end its turn in a space containing an obstacle that inflicts damage without effect.

It is actually remarkably straightforward. Just follow exactly what the rules say.
You may move through (enemy, and friendly anyway) figures and obstacles as if they weren't there. You just can't end on an obstacle which blocks movement or on another figure.
As if they weren't there means that they have no effect at all on you - after all, for you they aren't there (at least when you are moving)...

Now that may cause a little confusion since enemy effects like Aura or Grapple are still affecting a flying figure.

Another benefit for the flyer would be that you can attack while on an obstacle containing space (in contrast to the Acrobat) unless you end your movement there. Although I´m sure some will debate that :-)

Oke, so to clarify:

There is one Hero who activates Glyphs for 6 spaces away. If a monster is on the unactivated Glyph, it still gets activated AND the OL has to move the monster his next turn (as it can't end a turn on an activated Glyph)?

If possible, it has to move off the glyph. If it is webbed or stunned or grappled, then not.

So if Zyla is able to activate glyphs even when a monster is standing on it, then she also should be able to open chests and collect gold piles, potions and other things lying around in the dungeon even with an monster standing on these things, right?

Yes to all except chests. This was specifically ruled out for the Acrobat, and I would extend that to Fly.

Also remember that in RtL, Runewitch Astarra's ability only activates glyphs 3 spaces away.

Parathion said:

Yes to all except chests. This was specifically ruled out for the Acrobat, and I would extend that to Fly.

I believe the rule is more general than Acrobat.

"A hero cannot open a chest if the chest is in the same space as another figure." (JitD p.18, "Chest Markers")

Even another hero in the space prevents you from opening the chest, no matter what fancy movement options you have.

When flying allows the Soar ability on outdoor encounters. I created these bases for use on the board they help out I think:



Dude, those are freakin' awesome. aplauso.gif

Yes, and they still block movement and LoS :-)

I'd buy a set of those. FFG, forget lieutenants, start cranking out the soaring bases!

EDIT: Although for the pro ones, I expect them to be a full 4 squares high .

Badend said:

I'd buy a set of those. FFG, forget lieutenants, start cranking out the soaring bases!

EDIT: Although for the pro ones, I expect them to be a full 4 squares high .

Nah! That is getting a bit too rules lawyer in my opinion. If anything they are merely to help the players know which critters are soaring and which flying critters are on the ground. They do what they were made to do impeccably well and I am going to make another set for Sea of Blood for water encounters.

Yeah, if you made them 4 spaces high, they'd need the bases to be made of solid lead or something to make them not be ridiculously unbalanced (physically, not game-play).

And yes, they definitely look like they would block like of sight for the players quite effectively! :-P