tannerface said:
Won't happen though.
Honestly I'd say an ogre rather than a centaur. They can wield their "club" better.
tannerface said:
Won't happen though.
Honestly I'd say an ogre rather than a centaur. They can wield their "club" better.
You know what would be awesome, a character that is original and not something taken from folklore and rearanged.
Protoaddict said:
You know what would be awesome, a character that is original and not something taken from folklore and rearanged.
Except that's never gonna happen.
Protoaddict said:
You know what would be awesome, a character that is original and not something taken from folklore and rearanged.
SOOOOOOOMEBODY doesn't understand the point of ShadoWar then *rolls eyes*
I feel bad for Drunken Panda. The guy wins a contest that had an extension given to it (implying there were many more entries), and what does he get for his victory?
Hey if anything blame the people who allowed his character to win. Maybe Ming Lin (or w/e) won because she's a 36DD, and really, isn't bust what's important to children's card games?
I went with a Joseon (Ancient Korea) shaman, myself. *shrug*
I just hope they dont call Ming-Ling a Kitsune...that's Japanese. (And while the Chinese and Koreans had a similar creature, all three have some pretty big differences)
dshaffer said:
I went with a Joseon (Ancient Korea) shaman, myself. *shrug*
I just hope they dont call Ming-Ling a Kitsune...that's Japanese. (And while the Chinese and Koreans had a similar creature, all three have some pretty big differences)
Aah, this harkens back to the good old days of White Wolf, VtM and the Hengyokai. Somehow amidst all of that, I managed to get my degree.
Evidently Orochimaru serves The Covenant of Twilight. Believe it. I'm not sure which abridged show is best between this, Dragonball and Yugioh.
*off-topic rampage*
Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged is funniest, hands down. It manages to combine pop culture elements, witty and sarcastic humor, and of course, highly satirical and creative ways of making fun of the show, while at the same time still illustrating the episode's point. Plus, it's all done by 1 guy, and each character is memorable for its humor. Also, LittleKuriboh's Naruto Parody is simply hilarious. I never knew so many recurring jokes about lung cancer could be funny.
Naruto abridged definitely has its moments, some I still repeat to this day, but it relies a lot more on internet meme (and just the stupidity of internet-trawlers in general) and recurring jokes. Nevertheless, it's quite funny, and I'd definitely group it with YGO abridged.
DragonBallZ abridged is a travesty, and I feel a lot of its fanfollowing is specifically aggregated to rival the YGO abridged fanbase (which is stupid since every abridged creator is a friend of the rest). It's had...very few humorous moments; almost everything is predictable, fake, and really, DBZ isn't really a series you can abridge well.
MarcoPulleaux said:
*off-topic rampage*
Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged is funniest, hands down. It manages to combine pop culture elements, witty and sarcastic humor, and of course, highly satirical and creative ways of making fun of the show, while at the same time still illustrating the episode's point. Plus, it's all done by 1 guy, and each character is memorable for its humor. Also, LittleKuriboh's Naruto Parody is simply hilarious. I never knew so many recurring jokes about lung cancer could be funny.
Naruto abridged definitely has its moments, some I still repeat to this day, but it relies a lot more on internet meme (and just the stupidity of internet-trawlers in general) and recurring jokes. Nevertheless, it's quite funny, and I'd definitely group it with YGO abridged.
DragonBallZ abridged is a travesty, and I feel a lot of its fanfollowing is specifically aggregated to rival the YGO abridged fanbase (which is stupid since every abridged creator is a friend of the rest). It's had...very few humorous moments; almost everything is predictable, fake, and really, DBZ isn't really a series you can abridge well.
Cool, I like bloobies.
YGO abridged was the first one I saw. Yes, it's very funny. On the downside, YGO was (personally) the worst original show of the three. This is where Naruto abridged won ground for me over YGO abridged, even if you accept YGO abridged is the better series; I simply prefer Naruto to YGO.
Naruto I suppose brings out the ninja-loving kid in me. The sillyness of "Believe it" and the utter impracticality of a bright orange ninja still makes me smile, even years on.
Dragonball abridged parodied Mulan. Which was funny. Even if King Kai can't sing.
Ming Lee reminds me of Naruto. This isn't a bad thing per se, it's a pop-culture reference whose base theme I actually quite like. The ammunition it provides for "Believe it" jokes and cross-Shadowar/Naruto humour is something I'll very much enjoy and post about for quite a while. Any references to Akatsuki~Covenant of Twilight or random Yi Shan jokes are very much in this mindset and, until they get old (inevitability), will personally act as a light-hearted way to reference both UFS and anime.
I do wonder if the Ming Li~Naruto comparison was deliberate and as such, a very shrewd move.
I hope it gets here soon so i can start work on my Uk nats deck because of banninsg etc. i just hope they dont do what they normally do wait till after worlds and mess up some big uk event lol
I think I have more issues with the fact that every idea I heard thrown out there for shadowar is some bit of fokelore or what have you that feels pulled from an anime or other japaneese themed thing. Kitsoune, Ogres, kappa, whatever have you.
Shadowar is suppoed to span a lot more than just ancient Japan. I'm fairly sure that there is a heavy indian, mongolian, Egyptian and middle eastern, and Nordic legends, and that's a non exhaustive list. I would much rather have shadowar have a Pirate, Conquistador, europeian Style knight, so on and so forth than a slew of ninjas and Naruto crap. If I wanted to play Naruto I would play Naruto. I would probably prefer having an alien that crash landed on our planet and had to adapt to the ways of our world as a character with an interesting backstory than a word for word copy of an established folklore with a title shoved into continuity.
With all that being said I actually dont like that the character isnt human, or that any character in the shadowar setting isnt. No one has been anything but human so far and Steve flat out said when the contest started that the character needed to "mesh well with the established setting". To me a fox spirit does not mesh well at all. But nor does an Ogre, Oni, Kappa, etc.
Actually all the asian shadowar characters are Chinese..and most of them have pretty terrible chinese names. Yi Shan is kind of cool though..(moving mountain) but names like Zi Mei (literally translates into purple girl sounds pretty lame).
KawaiiMistress said:
Zi Mei (literally translates into purple girl sounds pretty lame).
Purple Girl, that made me chuckle.
But I'm with Protoaddict, I don't think Ming Lin fits well with the Shadowar universe. I'm not going to say anything like "They should redo the contest" or anything like that since it'd be unfair for the winner, but I'm wondering just how ridiculous next year's contest is gonna be like if they are looking for that sort of thing.
im still confused how astrid fit into shadowar shes on a whole different area then again so is rashotep
KawaiiMistress said:
Actually all the asian shadowar characters are Chinese..and most of them have pretty terrible chinese names. Yi Shan is kind of cool though..(moving mountain) but names like Zi Mei (literally translates into purple girl sounds pretty lame).
Whatchu know 'bout dat Chinese?
Bah, I thought all the haters of ShadoWar had been done away with by now =/
Even if they "appear" to be "stereotypes" or creatures of mythology/folklore, they have unique personalities and backstories, so even though they may be INSPIRED by other things, they aren't STOLEN from other things. Also, I can think of a game, maybe you guys have heard of it, where all of the characters are "blatant stereotypes/borrow from folklore and mythology"
So stfu, hypocrites
Also, once again, leave Ming Lin alone. We don't even know her story, her art, her fighting style, really anything, except that it's a female "fox spirit" character. Two yellow people were just released from a North Korean work camp, and I come back to the forums to find this s--t?
Shame on ya'll. ShadoWar for lyfe, *****.
I don't want to start Shadowar hate but..the back stories are poorly written and the characters are not interesting. Darkstalkers on the other hand took myths from different cultures, re-invented them and make it interesting. Almost every single character is likable whereas Shadowar really invented nothing.
I'm 100% chinese and can attest to the joke that is Chinese Shadowar characters' names.
But to anybody who is non-Chinese, adding ANYTHING Chinese instantly makes things seem more metaphorical, ancient, etc, when really, there's so much more to Chinese culture than even modern Chinese people understand. Back when I worked at the club, I witnessed all sorts of kanji tattoos (or whatever you people call Kanji =p) from people who very clearly had no understanding of Chinese culture. Just goes to show you how fascinated people can be by mere calligraphy (if you even want to call it that).
Back to ShadoWar...
Well, we obviously must agree to disagree. I feel that they've spent adequate time on the characters, and there's surely plenty more info to come. I feel that such characters as Yi Shan, Lu Chen, Astrid, Temujin, and Padma not just give us extremely unique characters to the UFS world, but bring different archetypes in as well. Just look at Yi Shan: HE'S GOT A FREAKIN EYE PATCH! How many Chinese people look like Timothy Olyphant with facial hair, are extremely buff, and have an eye patch? NONE! MUAHAHAHA! And come on, look at Lu Chen. He used to be such a hard-ass! The kid used to beat skull, ask questions later. Even at the age of ten million, the guy's STILL a badass. He manages to kick the crap out of both Yi Shan AND Zi Mei, but does his badassery ever relent? Hell no it doesn't, what does Lu Chen do? He takes the bastard child Yi Shan in as his student! And does he die a painful death? No, what are you retarded? The man clearly eats bullets and defecates gun powder whilst he watches his pupil break stones with telekinesis or some s--t and use his Hugh Jackman claws to perform 3rd trimester abortions, while still finding time to meditate underneath a waterfall like a BOSS.
See? Doesn't ShadoWar instantly appear more interesting?
Hayamachop said:
im still confused how astrid fit into shadowar shes on a whole different area then again so is rashotep
Reading proto's list of archetypes made me think of Deadliest Warrior, and now I really, really want either Shaka Zulu or Al Capone in ShadoWar, dammit.
And don't you dare tell me Shaka Zulu wouldn't be amazing, and a reasonable addition to the mythos as well. Plus, stick fighting = greatest alternative to First Blood as a tiebreaker ever invented.
are we going to see Quezacotal soon? o_o;
MarcoPulleaux said:
But to anybody who is non-Chinese, adding ANYTHING Chinese instantly makes things seem more metaphorical, ancient, etc, when really, there's so much more to Chinese culture than even modern Chinese people understand. Back when I worked at the club, I witnessed all sorts of kanji tattoos (or whatever you people call Kanji =p) from people who very clearly had no understanding of Chinese culture. Just goes to show you how fascinated people can be by mere calligraphy (if you even want to call it that).
Back to ShadoWar...
Well, we obviously must agree to disagree. I feel that they've spent adequate time on the characters, and there's surely plenty more info to come. I feel that such characters as Yi Shan, Lu Chen, Astrid, Temujin, and Padma not just give us extremely unique characters to the UFS world, but bring different archetypes in as well. Just look at Yi Shan: HE'S GOT A FREAKIN EYE PATCH! How many Chinese people look like Timothy Olyphant with facial hair, are extremely buff, and have an eye patch? NONE! MUAHAHAHA! And come on, look at Lu Chen. He used to be such a hard-ass! The kid used to beat skull, ask questions later. Even at the age of ten million, the guy's STILL a badass. He manages to kick the crap out of both Yi Shan AND Zi Mei, but does his badassery ever relent? Hell no it doesn't, what does Lu Chen do? He takes the bastard child Yi Shan in as his student! And does he die a painful death? No, what are you retarded? The man clearly eats bullets and defecates gun powder whilst he watches his pupil break stones with telekinesis or some s--t and use his Hugh Jackman claws to perform 3rd trimester abortions, while still finding time to meditate underneath a waterfall like a BOSS.
See? Doesn't ShadoWar instantly appear more interesting?
Quoted because of the absolute win in the descriptions. Now I want you to finish the descriptions for the rest of the characters.
I agree; ShadoWar sounds like Deadliest Warrior , so I would love to see folks like Shaka Zulu and other fighting styles like that in UFS.
My guess for Shaka is high HS, solid HP (7/20 or 7/21), but I am at a loss as to how one would represent his fighting style (which was basically an agile guy that hit picked you apart while wielding a heavy weapon). Any ideas?
Wafflecopter said:
This. I don't remember the Ogre Empire or the Kitsoune Empire. However there are a TON of empires we have not touched that would have been fantastic for the setting.
Spanish Main
Aztecks / Myans / Incas
Greeks (Sparta)
Medevil Europe / Victorian Europe
Whatever the hell Russia was 500 years ago
So much more. I would much rather have Sarcens, Knights, Zulus, Spartans, etc.
Protoaddict said:
Wafflecopter said:
This. I don't remember the Ogre Empire or the Kitsoune Empire. However there are a TON of empires we have not touched that would have been fantastic for the setting.
Spanish Main
Aztecks / Myans / Incas
Greeks (Sparta)
Medevil Europe / Victorian Europe
Whatever the hell Russia was 500 years ago
So much more. I would much rather have Sarcens, Knights, Zulus, Spartans, etc.
QFT. I mean, yeah some Asian is necessary of course. Obligatory even. But sooo much possibility.
I created a character from Ancient Rome, non gladiator though. Looking back on it, it was perhaps a bit too over the top, but at least he was quite original
Protoaddict said:
Wafflecopter said:
This. I don't remember the Ogre Empire or the Kitsoune Empire. However there are a TON of empires we have not touched that would have been fantastic for the setting.
Spanish Main
Aztecks / Myans / Incas
Greeks (Sparta)
Medevil Europe / Victorian Europe
Whatever the hell Russia was 500 years ago
So much more. I would much rather have Sarcens, Knights, Zulus, Spartans, etc.
If you wanted sarcens, knights, zulus, spartans, ect then you should have done a better job at making a character for the contest. also ect. opens a flood gate (fox spirits fall under the ect. that you listed.) If you don't want fox spirit characters, when they show up in your prize support, start sending me them, I'll happily collect lots of copies of Ming Lin.
Bring on the Spartans and Romans!!!!
Deadliest Warrior (love that show!) showed us how Spartan's could own Ninjas, so they need to come in and kick butt. As for Romans, I would like to see legionaires, not gladiators. Gladiators were entertainers primarily and probablly couldn't take on a real warrior. So, for real world archetypes, let's see Leonidas and Julius Casear!
Deadliest Warrior is rubbish. They use their computer to set things up in a "fair" way. Ninjas do NOT fight fair; any Ninja would just hide from the Spartan, and either shoot with the blow gun for the kill, or swiftly slice at the jugular with his ninjato.
Protoaddict said: