Migrating Material From the Old Forums

By Thelric, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

To help jumpstart the migration of old material/posting of new custom content, I am going to send a message to FFG with a suggested thread structure.

I wanted to post this here first to prevent duplication of effort and to avoid overwhelming the moderators with a bunch of conflicting requests. (Especially since I think they are probably pretty overwhelmed with forum support at the moment.)

The structure I'll propose is the following:

1. Add a new subforum (like the League forum) called Player-Created Content, with the following sticky threads:

Player-Created Content

  • Strange Eons Custom Component Design Tool
  • Investigators
  • Ancient Ones (and Sinister Plots)
  • Monsters
  • Investigator Cards (Items, Allies, etc.)
  • Heralds and Guardians
  • Scenarios
  • Expansions
  • Other

Ideally, the sticky threads would be used to post more-or-less final versions of content. The main ("unsticky") threads would be used to discuss content and request feedback.

2. Make the following sticky threads in the main forum:

Official Answers from Kevin Wilson [already posted in the new forum here]
Card and Monster Lists [already posted in the new forum here]

I don't think these should live in their own subforum since (a) new users should be able to find them right away and (b) a lot of the discussion on the old board is about the nuances of rule interpretation. I don't think we want to move these to a subforum where they would not get as much attention, as we want to encourage as wide a variety of opinions as possible.

Since it is the weekend, it is unlikely that anyone from FFG will see this before Monday, so please post if I've missed anything important or you you want to propose an alternative.


Good idea, Chriss!

Greetings from Spain.

Second that!

I'm waiting to publish my new works, have finally had time to edit them as I planned.

Thelric said:

Player-Created Content
  • Strange Eons Custom Component Design Tool
  • Investigators
  • Ancient Ones (and Sinister Plots)
  • Monsters
  • Investigator Cards (Items, Allies, etc.)
  • Heralds and Guardians
  • Scenarios
  • Expansions
  • Other


I agree that it would normally be a lot, but keep in mind that the idea is for these to live in their own subforum. Although I've floated the idea of using the "unsticky" topics in that forum for works in progress, I don't see a lot getting posted there. I expect most everything in the subforum would end up in one of the sticky threads. (Being in subforum would also mean less traffic overall, so threads shouldn't disappear as quickly.)

That was my rationale, but I'm certainly open to a discussion of alternatives.
