New campaign, questions unanswered...

By Dalor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My friends and I have just started playing Road to Legend and have run into an issue we haven't been able to find a clear answer to in the rules or on the web, so figured I would ask here.

Question ) Can the Overlord spawn mobs on the dungeon level, if the area is revealed but the heroes haven't had line of sight on that location before? Example:


So in the above example, the players have never seen the Green areas ever, but the treasure chest and everything have been placed there. Can the Overlord spawn in that Green area or does he have to wait till the players have seen that spot, and no longer have line of sight on that location to spawn?

Even though the green area has not been seen by the heroes - I believe you can spawn away in there... I am also of the understanding - that once they enter an area - you are to spawn monsters... even if they are out of the line of sight... so once the heroes entered that blue/green area (it is revealed) you place all the monsters in that whole area, even if the heroes have not yet gained line of sight to it.

BUT - for your question - it is my understanding that anywhere in that "revealed" area (obviously not the red - that is not in the line of sight cause it is behind closed doors) - so for your example the green area - spawn away!

One more thing to consider though - I don't have my RtL manual here at the moment - aren't there areas you cannot spawn in as well in the RtL maps? At least not until the heroes have left that red area on the maps? I will have to read this part again before I go to bed. :)

SoylentGreen said:

One more thing to consider though - I don't have my RtL manual here at the moment - aren't there areas you cannot spawn in as well in the RtL maps? At least not until the heroes have left that red area on the maps? I will have to read this part again before I go to bed. :)

Incorrect. There is a red area on the RtL dungeons where you may not place the INITIAL monsters. Once the heroes start the level, you may spawn anywhere, under normal LOS concerns.

Dalor said:

So in the above example, the players have never seen the Green areas ever, but the treasure chest and everything have been placed there. Can the Overlord spawn in that Green area or does he have to wait till the players have seen that spot, and no longer have line of sight on that location to spawn?

The OL may spawn in any part of the area once it has been revealed. So yes, the OL may spawn in the green area in your example. You do not have to wait until the heroes have had LOS to that area. Tracking what spaces the heroes have seen or not seen would be a nightmare.

edroz said:

SoylentGreen said:

One more thing to consider though - I don't have my RtL manual here at the moment - aren't there areas you cannot spawn in as well in the RtL maps? At least not until the heroes have left that red area on the maps? I will have to read this part again before I go to bed. :)

Incorrect. There is a red area on the RtL dungeons where you may not place the INITIAL monsters. Once the heroes start the level, you may spawn anywhere, under normal LOS concerns.

Yeah - I just re-read that part of the rules - I havn't done a RtL cxampaign yet. Was just coming to correct myself. :)

Yeah, the ENTIRE dungeon (unless noted as in a Rumor or Legendary level, or by a special rule) is to be treated as one, revealed area when the level starts. The only umbrella restriction is the one edroz mentioned for placing initial monsters.

Big Remy said:

Yeah, the ENTIRE dungeon (unless noted as in a Rumor or Legendary level, or by a special rule) is to be treated as one, revealed area when the level starts. The only umbrella restriction is the one edroz mentioned for placing initial monsters.

This is correct. The rulebook reference is pg 17 where it says:

"Normally, an entire dungeon level is revealed as soon as the heroes enter it, even if there are closed doors blocking of parts of it. Only special levels, such as Rumor levels and Overlord's Keep levels, have multiple areas. If no areas are indicated on a given dungeon level's map, it has only one area."

This also means that the red area you have marked could be used to spawn monsters. Assuming the doors are closed and not rune locked, you could spawn monsters just on the other side, have them/it open the door and attack the heroes. This also means that the "Hordes of Things" power card in the OL deck is really only useful when the heroes enter a new dungeon level as this is the only time during normal dungeons when a "new area" is revealed. Just food for thought.

Yeah, unless I draw it on the first level I typically discard Horde of Things for threat in RtL dungeons.