A few more questions!

By Shmoozer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

4 quick questions.

1) Are Daze and Stun the same? i can't find anything specific on Daze in the core-book. But we encountered an item you can equip that makes you immune to Daze. If they are not the same, what does Daze do precisely (and how do you "get it", as no monster has a Daze ability)?

2) if you want to give an item to another player, do you have to have it equipped, or can you also give it straight out of your backpack for the 1 point needed?
and if you give it straight out of your backpack, do you have to have free space to have it normally equipped?
example for clarification: you have a 2-hander equipped, and one in your backpack, can you give it to another hero for 1 movement? or do you have to remove it first for 2 movement and then give it for another 1 movement (3 in total) or even a 3rd option: you can't give it since you can't carry/hold a 2nd 2-hander?

3) more about re-equipping: can you then re-arrange your items just like receiving treasure? e.g: if you receive another weapon from a hero, but you can't carry it, and your packpack is full with 3 potions already, can you move one potion to your belt, and then put one of the weapons in the backpack? (it's not your turn so you don't ahve any movement as you receive the equipment (which is normally always the case when you receive an item))

4) Can a monster kill another monster? (we ruled yes). you might wonder why: in quest 2 there are those giants with Stoneheart, and the heroes actually got it to 1 health, and wanted to keep it like that untill they were able to kill the heart and thén deliver the final blow. The OL then threatened to kill it himself with an attack so the heroes ended up adding another power-die, killing it off.

Shmoozer said:

4 quick questions.

1) Are Daze and Stun the same? i can't find anything specific on Daze in the core-book. But we encountered an item you can equip that makes you immune to Daze. If they are not the same, what does Daze do precisely (and how do you "get it", as no monster has a Daze ability)?

2) if you want to give an item to another player, do you have to have it equipped, or can you also give it straight out of your backpack for the 1 point needed?
and if you give it straight out of your backpack, do you have to have free space to have it normally equipped?
example for clarification: you have a 2-hander equipped, and one in your backpack, can you give it to another hero for 1 movement? or do you have to remove it first for 2 movement and then give it for another 1 movement (3 in total) or even a 3rd option: you can't give it since you can't carry/hold a 2nd 2-hander?

3) more about re-equipping: can you then re-arrange your items just like receiving treasure? e.g: if you receive another weapon from a hero, but you can't carry it, and your packpack is full with 3 potions already, can you move one potion to your belt, and then put one of the weapons in the backpack? (it's not your turn so you don't ahve any movement as you receive the equipment (which is normally always the case when you receive an item))

4) Can a monster kill another monster? (we ruled yes). you might wonder why: in quest 2 there are those giants with Stoneheart, and the heroes actually got it to 1 health, and wanted to keep it like that untill they were able to kill the heart and thén deliver the final blow. The OL then threatened to kill it himself with an attack so the heroes ended up adding another power-die, killing it off.

1) Daze is an ability that was not introduced until The Well of Darkness expansion and they are two different lingering effects. Essentially, the differences are:

Daze and Stun are both cummulative effects, but one Stun token is removed at the start of the player's turn/monster activation whereas one Daze token is removed for each surge rolled on a power die (one die per token). For Daze, the player/monster rolls one less die per daze token on each attack roll. For Stun, normal monsters romove a token and receive no other actions while heroes may either move OR attack OR place an order.

2) According to the Movement Actions box on pg 16 of the original book, it says that a hero may spend one movement point to "give one weapon or potion to adjacent hero". Unless there is errata to contradict this, I take this to mean any equipped or packed weapon or potion can be given to an adjacent hero. I believe the receiving hero would have to place the item in their backpack initially, but could equip it during the Equip Items phase of their activation.

3) As stated above, the active player would spend 1 movement point (per item) to give an adjacent player a weapon or potion. The receiving hero would have to put the item in their pack until their next turn. Every player receives a "free re-equip" step at the start of their activation or whenever a chest is opened. Otherwise, a hero must spend 2 movement points to re-equip, but only durning their activation (in other words, you can't do it during someone elses turn).

4) In short, yes. On pg 9 of the rule book (vanilla), it says that you declare a "space" to attack and not an "enemy figure". Therefore, it is possible for heroes to attack other heroes or monsters to attack other monsters. Be aware, though, that some abilities do not effect friendly figures (i.e. Sweep).

jboulton98 said:

Shmoozer said:

4 quick questions.

1) Are Daze and Stun the same? i can't find anything specific on Daze in the core-book. But we encountered an item you can equip that makes you immune to Daze. If they are not the same, what does Daze do precisely (and how do you "get it", as no monster has a Daze ability)?

2) if you want to give an item to another player, do you have to have it equipped, or can you also give it straight out of your backpack for the 1 point needed?
and if you give it straight out of your backpack, do you have to have free space to have it normally equipped?
example for clarification: you have a 2-hander equipped, and one in your backpack, can you give it to another hero for 1 movement? or do you have to remove it first for 2 movement and then give it for another 1 movement (3 in total) or even a 3rd option: you can't give it since you can't carry/hold a 2nd 2-hander?

3) more about re-equipping: can you then re-arrange your items just like receiving treasure? e.g: if you receive another weapon from a hero, but you can't carry it, and your packpack is full with 3 potions already, can you move one potion to your belt, and then put one of the weapons in the backpack? (it's not your turn so you don't ahve any movement as you receive the equipment (which is normally always the case when you receive an item))

4) Can a monster kill another monster? (we ruled yes). you might wonder why: in quest 2 there are those giants with Stoneheart, and the heroes actually got it to 1 health, and wanted to keep it like that untill they were able to kill the heart and thén deliver the final blow. The OL then threatened to kill it himself with an attack so the heroes ended up adding another power-die, killing it off.

2) According to the Movement Actions box on pg 16 of the original book, it says that a hero may spend one movement point to "give one weapon or potion to adjacent hero". Unless there is errata to contradict this, I take this to mean any equipped or packed weapon or potion can be given to an adjacent hero. I believe the receiving hero would have to place the item in their backpack initially, but could equip it during the Equip Items phase of their activation.

3) As stated above, the active player would spend 1 movement point (per item) to give an adjacent player a weapon or potion. The receiving hero would have to put the item in their pack until their next turn. Every player receives a "free re-equip" step at the start of their activation or whenever a chest is opened. Otherwise, a hero must spend 2 movement points to re-equip, but only durning their activation (in other words, you can't do it during someone elses turn).

FAQ pg 2-4
Q: When can a hero equip items?
A: A hero can equip, drop, or place items in his pack at the beginning of his turn, just after refreshing cards. In addition, whenever a hero receives an item from another player or from a chest, he may immediately equip that item, dropping or placing other items in his pack to free up the hands necessary for the just-received item .

So the recieving hero need not place the recieved item in his backpack. He sort of gets a 'partial' re-equip. He is allowed to equip the item he has just received, and if that would mean dropping other items he may place those in his backpack (which could in turn force other items to be discarded). He does not however, get full license to re-equip generally.
If, for example, the hero received a Rune (weapon) he could shift the weapons he was carrying to the backpack. He could not, however, remove his armour or change his 'other' items. If he received an armour item, he could he change his equipped weapons, shields or 'other' items.

Also, there is, indeed, an errata on the types of items that can be given. FAQ p. 2:

Q: Can a hero give any type of item to an adjacent hero, or just weapons and potions?
A: A hero may give any item to an adjacent hero at the cost of one movement point. A hero may never give money to another hero.

Don't forget you can also spend 2 movement to re-eqiup durning your turn. This comes in useful for perhaps making an attack with a 2h weapon but switching back to a sword/shield before OL turn or if a mage using a rune with no armor then putting armor on at the end of your turn and putting the rune away.