Hello all. I'm a current player of M:tG and former player of Yu-Gi-Oh, and I happened to notice this game existed about a week ago. I looked up some info, saw the demo video, and I'm interested in picking this up for myself and my girlfriend. We both love Kingdom Hearts and I just love TCGs (who can resist the feel of fresh, square cardboard with printed images on them?). But before I invest in the game, I have a few questions...
1) In tournament play, how many different decks are viable? As in, how many different 'top decks' are there? I do like to attend tournaments (though I'm not sure Louisiana is a hotbed for KH tourneys) and I like to feel that what I bring to the table at least has a solid chance of winning instead of being trampled by the one or two dominating decks of the format.
2) I'm aware that this game is translated from the Japanese one. How is that one doing commercially? And how is FFG's translation doing? I've been burned once by supporting a card game that didn't keep going, and while this seems healthy what with the fourth set being released it's good to know that it'll keep going for a while.
3) Still on the subject of translations, how faithful to the originals are the cards? Any significant edits?
4) I've had bad experiences with overseas companies making terrible judgments on their games (see: Yu-Gi-Oh) and the localization company applying them even worse (see: YGO again). Something tells me FFG probably get it right, but it'd be nice to have confirmation that the rules aren't all over the place.
And that's about it. They may sound like damning questions, but in the end I'll probably pick this up to try it anyhow. After all, it'll be fun just to own some official KH cards. And if it's good enough I have a few friends who would be interested...