Upgrade choices... Demon Prince

By Veinman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm about to get to purchase my first upgrade as the Demon Prince. I'm currently putting the heroes through some SERIOUS hurt. My first impulse is to upgrade Eldritch monsters, but in most situations that really just means better skeletons. This would be a no-brainer if I was the sorcerer king, but I'm not.

I've been doing so much more damage with beastmen that I'm seriously debating upgrading humanoids.

That said, AFTER I upgrade one monster category I want to get Kar-Amog-Atoth (sp). He has eldritch minions which brings me back around to upgrading eldritch.

Finally, AFTER I get him I want to buy a point of treachery (Am I correct that I can buy multiple points at one time?) so I can use Crushing Blow.

Thoughts or suggestions?

The overlord can buy one upgrade per week. Each treachery point is a seperate upgrade. Here is the text from page 7 number 4 of the rule book.

"Each colored hexagon in this section lists the XP cost for the
overlord to buy one treachery of that type. Additionally, the
space below each hexagon lists the maximum number of
treachery of that type that may be purchased. For example,
the Titan can buy one event treachery for 15 XP, but may not
do this more than three times."

As you can see from the quote the way they worded it is a little vague, but the example looks like they are saying you can buy 1 point at a time, limited by the maximum amount of treachery in any particular catagory as listed for the avatar.


Don't get distracted, get the silver eldritch. Silver Skeletons, Sorcerers, Dark Priests, Demons, no contest. Think you're putting the hurt on now, just wait. And don't go soft on the heroes.

As one mentioned above, one upgrade a week, that includes treachery points.