battle action

By mixykym, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

when a hero declares a "battle" states there are no movement points..

but one skill card states that when that hero declares battle action he gets half his movement as movement points to move (cant recall skill at mo)

and can you spend fatigure to move with battle.?

or are said movement points for spending on drinking potions and the like.?


The Knight skill allows a hero to gan movement points equal to half his speed when declaring a Battle action, if he spends 2 fatigue to activate the skill.

Fatigue can be spent to gain movement points during a Battle (or any other declared action), and those movement points can be spent to move normally or to perform movement actions (like drinking potions). The Battle action doesn't inherently give you any movement points, but it doesn't prevent you from gaining or spending movement points acquired in other ways.

thankyou anistone for your quick reply.


we're still getting into this and lots of fun..4 hero's failed quest two when one opened a mimic chest and died :) and having there best fighter kill another hero with dark charm was priceless. :)