I'm really interested on people's favorite card/cards and the reasoning behind it. It's really hard for me to choose between many of them, but I think if I had to choose one out of all the ones out so far then I would probably pick Leon from Set 2, not necessarily because of his effect but probably because Final Fantasy VIII was the first Final Fantasy I ever played, and I really like him
Favorite card
For me it's Cloud hands down. Literally my career choice was because of Cloud...kinda freakeh, but that's the truth. @_@;;
For card-wise, it's not that great. For WRing, currently it will be removed from the field pretty quickly lol. Right now both Cloud and Seph is not as good as Auron. Auron can be used for both aggro and WR, and it has a kill-a-friend effect when aggroing it...but that's going to change later...muahahaha!
Cerberus and Cave of Wonders...cause they single handedly kill WR
Black Fungus LVL1!
Trothael said:
Black Fungus LVL1!
rofls, pimp!
I always feel happy playing my Cloud. First Super Rare I ever got.
Weaver said:
I always feel happy playing my Cloud. First Super Rare I ever got.
I envy you....my first super rare is Seph and The King...I got them on the first time I bough boosters...but got mad that I didn't get Cloud...*sniff...
sungtrs said:
Trothael said:
Black Fungus LVL1!
rofls, pimp!
It's blatantly the best card ever.
sungtrs said:
Weaver said:
I always feel happy playing my Cloud. First Super Rare I ever got.
I envy you....my first super rare is Seph and The King...I got them on the first time I bough boosters...but got mad that I didn't get Cloud...*sniff...
My first SR was...*Checks folder* Goofy LVL1
Followed by Simba LVL4, Genie LVL2 and Genie LVL4.
And I've not got any others since then :<
My favorite card, which most people from the old forums can easiy guess, is Yuffie! lol Which I pulled the new Yuffie the other day which makes me happy. But I think I like the newer one better cause its effect is way better than the old one lol
Right now...Prolly Auron...since he's mah favorite Final Fantasy Character (even though X is kind of a lame FF)
When the Way To The Dawn equipment comes out next set it'll be mah fave forever though.
WayToTheDawn said:
Right now...Prolly Auron...since he's mah favorite Final Fantasy Character (even though X is kind of a lame FF)
When the Way To The Dawn equipment comes out next set it'll be mah fave forever though.
Final Fantasy X wasn't that lame; it was also the fist FF I actually beat =^.^=
Catmaninja said:
WayToTheDawn said:
Right now...Prolly Auron...since he's mah favorite Final Fantasy Character (even though X is kind of a lame FF)
When the Way To The Dawn equipment comes out next set it'll be mah fave forever though.
Final Fantasy X wasn't that lame; it was also the fist FF I actually beat =^.^=
Thats because FFX decided to give all your characters automatic auto-life when fighting the final boss... That was like a kick to the balls to all the other FF games Final Bosses... Cause we all know the work a lot of people put in to find the right combo and get Knights of the Round to defeat Sephiroth and the many Limit Breaks and Ultimate Weapons and Magics when fighting Ultimecia in her castle with also the side effect of needing to kill bosses to unlock the ability to use everything in FF8... Then FF9 the so called final battle with Trance Kuja made it really difficult with his power, which i never got to beat but learned there was a more powerful boss after him. FF10 was like, "You reach the final boss! You automatically win unless you have a power outage to make your game system turn off!!"
Kiro13 said:
Catmaninja said:
WayToTheDawn said:
Right now...Prolly Auron...since he's mah favorite Final Fantasy Character (even though X is kind of a lame FF)
When the Way To The Dawn equipment comes out next set it'll be mah fave forever though.
Final Fantasy X wasn't that lame; it was also the fist FF I actually beat =^.^=
Thats because FFX decided to give all your characters automatic auto-life when fighting the final boss... That was like a kick to the balls to all the other FF games Final Bosses... Cause we all know the work a lot of people put in to find the right combo and get Knights of the Round to defeat Sephiroth and the many Limit Breaks and Ultimate Weapons and Magics when fighting Ultimecia in her castle with also the side effect of needing to kill bosses to unlock the ability to use everything in FF8... Then FF9 the so called final battle with Trance Kuja made it really difficult with his power, which i never got to beat but learned there was a more powerful boss after him. FF10 was like, "You reach the final boss! You automatically win unless you have a power outage to make your game system turn off!!"
I still haven't finished FFX...I ragequit before I got to the final boss.
Another card I really like is Alice, not sure why.
Because she's, at worst, Simba/Gravity without the magic cost?
Yea that's nice, and I really like the art of the new one lol.
Roxas lvl 1
and soon Roxas (In Org cloak)
Roxas said:
Roxas lvl 1
and soon Roxas (In Org cloak)
I love my Roaxs Lv1 deck.
Favourite Card now, Samuria Lv1. Owns with Roxas.
My favorite? Can I pick more than one?
Valor, Kingdom Key, Cerberus, and CoWG.
In set 3 there was a sort of Rock Paper Scissors relationship with different deck types where...
Heal spam WR could decimate most Aggro, (-1 HP per turn just doesn't keep up with an average of +2 HP a turn)
Monstro Aggro could decimate Dark, (Not enough Friends = Not enough Power)
And Dark running Wizard+Sea Neon could decimate Heal spam WR. (No Oathkeeper, no Cure, no Tinkerbell, and it's a struggle to play every single World Card)
That's just one angle of looking at it though, others would point out similar relationships such as: Aggro > Fast WR > Slow WR > Aggro
This basically meant it wasn't really possible to make a deck that could take whatever was thrown at it. There was always a tactic that your deck simply could not handle, no matter how good of a deck builder you were. I kinda stopped taking the game seriously after noticing that. (Sorry! It's still a fun game! I just couldn't bring myself play Set 3 in any competitive scene where money was on the line or anything.)
But with the introduction of the new cards in set 4, Aggro is now a lot more able to keep up with a WR that Heal Spams, which weakens (And hopefully destroys) the rock paper scissors properties of the game, therefore making a way for players to be "good" at the game and consistently win. I didn't hate WR as much as others around here seem to, but if WR had to be sacrificed in order to make this game better then I'll be happy to see it pushed it into the sacrificial pit.
I'm a collector, and I collect them just because their KH, so I really couldn't choose a favorite card amongst them all, and the text means nothing really too me. I do have some favorites though, some of them would be: (I can't list all)
Sora lvl 3 (Set 4)
Kairi (Set 4)
Minnie Mouse
Event Card 1
Ursula SR
Jack Skellington SR (Set 4)
Yuffie (Set 4)
Cinderella Promo (not out)
Cool! Yea the text doesn't matter much to me in determining whether I like a card or not. But Kairi (Set 4), Sora lvl3 (Set 4), and Yuffie (Set4) are pretty nice too =^.^=
sally lvl 1 x3
The new riku...if i remember correctly it has decent artwork.
you people forgot the best card just came out, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. hands down my favorite card and a staple in any deck i plan on making. His effect is what put Cloud and sephiroth in their place, they might be great warriors but you never, EVER mess with a pirate.....Ever....
Second would be Jack skellington any lvl casue I love the nightmare before christmas, the lvl4 Jack is cool b/c of his Santa suit.
Third gotta go with my boy, THe Mayor because he's the funniest looking guy ever and his new card art is SICKKKKKK!
haha yea I agree with all your picks. Except pirates aren't that amazing
. But yes the new Jack Skellington in a Santa outfit is pretty sweet.