Valor of Olympus

By WayToTheDawn, in Gummi Garage

So...I was looking at the Olympia Equipment and was thinking how good it potentially could be, so then I started looking at all the other Olympus Coliseum Cards and saw that they all have a really nice synergy with Aggro. Granted, it seems a bit crazy, but with some fine tuning and playtesting, I think it could work. Note: all cards are Set 4 unless otherwise obviously not. lol.

Player: Sora level 1

Valor Form x3


Level 0
The King
Captain Pete
Owl x2

Level 1
Pinnochio x3
Goofy x2
Phil x3 - Draws for Pegasus
Abu x2

Level 2
Pegasus x2 - Draw Engine
Will Turner
Ariel Level 2
Hercules x2 - Draws for Pegasus

Level 3
Jack Sparrow x3
Hercules x2 - Draws for Pegasus, gets a huge power boost from Phil, Pegasus, and Auron.

Level 4
Auron - Draws for Pegasus

Olympia x2
Kingdom Key x2


Behemoth x2
Cerberus x2 - Draws for Pegasus
Cave of Wonders Guardian x2
Pete x1

Destiny Islands level 1 x2
Monstro level 1 x2
Olympus Coliseum level 1 x2 - Draws for Pegasus, Also gives extra boost to all my Olympus Coliseum Friends when I'm challenged.

Event 1

50 card deck (without player) you think it needs cut or does the Pegasus Draw Engine make up for it?

Should I assume that the rapid upswing of Pinnochio x3 is due to prevention of getting Fairy Harped?

Fairbanks said:

Should I assume that the rapid upswing of Pinnochio x3 is due to prevention of getting Fairy Harped?

No way sir...Pinnochio has been a x3 since it came out.

Anyone who plays long enough will know what someone is going to be running depending on their deck type. Thus making it easy to call something they might be holding. Even if you don't successfully call something though, you still get a peek at their hand and what they could be holding onto. Not to mention drawing into a second Pinnochio...Pitch the first one, call something, see their hand, drop the second and you know exactly what to call. He's such a good control card and he only gets better.

My friend started to enjoy the olmpia as well with olympus, so we have began a deck on this premisis. However, we are making it a balance with med size worlds in case things should become sticky and running worlds is the next best thing. But yeah, same idea with that olympus card. +6 on an olympus just makes it a beast on its own.

Very nice. I made an Olympus Coliseum themed deck and the draw power is very good, but not good enough on its own. I don't know how your deck would be though, some playtesting probably needed, but I like it :)

New Hades OWNS you!!! Meg x2. Also doubles as mini-moogle. =)

I'm also a little surprised you only have one Auron.

Broadway_Punk said:

New Hades OWNS you!!! Meg x2. Also doubles as mini-moogle. =)

I'm also a little surprised you only have one Auron.

With the new set and the amount of draw power plus field control, level 4s are difficult to get on the field and then have remain there. It really doesn't suprise me that people are starting to use them less.

Broadway_Punk said:

New Hades OWNS you!!! Meg x2. Also doubles as mini-moogle. =)

I'm also a little surprised you only have one Auron.

How are they playing their new hades? He needs 5 worlds out before they can hope to play him. If they're a dark player and they have dropped him as a friend, they should be losing about right now anyway, unless they got absurdly lucky.

wait doesnt peaguses only let you draw when an olympus world is played not any of the friends? Cuz the new leaon has a similar effect that says any hallow bastion card but it only works for the world am I right. That would take a lot of your draw power away

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

wait doesnt peaguses only let you draw when an olympus world is played not any of the friends? Cuz the new leaon has a similar effect that says any hallow bastion card but it only works for the world am I right. That would take a lot of your draw power away

I'm getting this clarified with Jaffer as we speak...I will let you know...

if they all work like that, then Pegasus, Wishing Lamp, Leon, and a few others are going to be completely useless cards and make the printing of World Symbols on cards almost pointless. Also, as you so obviously pointed out, this deck falls apart if it doesn't work that way, so I'll figure something else out.

its weird cuz i wanted to do this for my valor deck right after gettin a box and getting my stuff then i read leon only gets a world because its not bold faced like on jack skellington lvl4 so i had to abandon this idea even though it seems so cool

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

its weird cuz i wanted to do this for my valor deck right after gettin a box and getting my stuff then i read leon only gets a world because its not bold faced like on jack skellington lvl4 so i had to abandon this idea even though it seems so cool

That's the point I was trying to get across to Jaffer when I emailed him about that making the cards work like we want them to, opens up a million card playing possibilites and ultimately makes this game more fun. If the ruling stays the same...then...well...I don't know, I'll be really annoyed with FFG and probably not play them like that anyway. lol.

agreed leon sucks with his new effect, peaguses has potential and ssadly id have to play by the rules form tournaments and stuff

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

agreed leon sucks with his new effect, peaguses has potential and ssadly id have to play by the rules form tournaments and stuff

Meh, I'd say tell the judge the situation and let him make the call. Until official OP is instituted, rules can't technically be enforced like that, cause there arn'et really big tournaments where it's going to matter. FIGHT THE POWER I SAY!

WayToTheDawn said:

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

agreed leon sucks with his new effect, peaguses has potential and ssadly id have to play by the rules form tournaments and stuff

Meh, I'd say tell the judge the situation and let him make the call. Until official OP is instituted, rules can't technically be enforced like that, cause there arn'et really big tournaments where it's going to matter. FIGHT THE POWER I SAY!

I'mma gonna email Jaffer and ask about either community Judges/Rulers or to see if we can get our old jurisdiction to make rulings on cards again.

WayToTheDawn said:

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

agreed leon sucks with his new effect, peaguses has potential and ssadly id have to play by the rules form tournaments and stuff

Meh, I'd say tell the judge the situation and let him make the call. Until official OP is instituted, rules can't technically be enforced like that, cause there arn'et really big tournaments where it's going to matter. FIGHT THE POWER I SAY!

I say this to also for Diz. :P's official...They don'y work how we want them to/how they should.

2) For the purposes of those cards, I would say that when they refer to a card in "quotes", I would say that they refer to cards of that name. So a revised reading of "Wishing Lamp" would read: may draw one card each time you play [a card named] "Agrabah".

I admit, the new "home world" icons are a bit confusing. As I understand it, when we are referring to cards from a particular home world, rather than World cards of that particular name, the name of the home world is bold italicized. For example, "...Halloween Town Friend cards are not discarded..."

So this deck is no longer it just falls apart without the draw power...way to go FFG. enfadado.gif

They dizzed us...a second time.

sungtrs said:

They dizzed us...a second time.

Way to coin a phrase there sir.

We got DiZZed.

Yeah, it just reminded me of Diz on the ruling lol...hopefully they don't change the future card's ruling into something totally different from what we are anticipating?(Master form, Seph, Cloud, Seph n Cloud, The King, etc...) O_O;; lol