Flying in formation works!

By The_Brown_Bomber, in Wings of War (WWI)

has anyone else tried flying planes of the same design in formation?

it looks cool with 2-3 planes and its easy to do.

just use the same manouvre card for each plane in turn.

this method not only makes flying more than 1 plane easy it concentrates your firepower letting you pick off single planes more easily.

We do it also but not always with the planes of the same models. A formation with an Albatross in the front and 2 rolands behind it is rather nasty. Of course it takes some co-ordination because it breaks if the Albatross pilot do something the Rolands cant but you don't want to dive in the middle of that formation.

It works to start a scenario when 1 side attack the formation, particulary if the formation have bombers that are to bomb something.