Making Quests

By mc-hemmer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am new to this website, and also new to this game. Me and my friends have been playing about all summer and are already on our first expansion. But now that we are getting better we are starting to create our own quests but i am struggling with the process. I heard that there is a quest generator that helps you make quests so they are easy to read, and look a lot like the quests in the descent quest guides, but i cannot find one anywhere. I was wondering if there really is such a thing and if there is a link to it would be greatly appreciated.

There is also this , which I believe is "official," but it only supports the base game and Well of Darkness, and we've been strung along for years with promises of a new version that never materializes.

Thanks, i really like the "official" quest editor but im not sure how to use the other one. I just showed my friend and he likes it a lot, its really easy to use, so thanks.