acrobat skill

By mixykym, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

can a hero with "acrobat" avoid falling into a pit/spiked pit trap that she sets off by moving into a new space...?

or only avoid pits already seen on the board ?

can they move thru water/rubble ?

mixykym said:

can a hero with "acrobat" avoid falling into a pit/spiked pit trap that she sets off by moving into a new space...?

or only avoid pits already seen on the board ?

can they move thru water/rubble ?

You may move through enemy figures. In addition you may enter and move through Obstacles (but not other props such as scything blades or boulders) without effect. You may not end your movement or make an attack from a space occupied be either another figure or an obstacle that blocks movement.

A trap set off by moving into a new space is a Trap Card, not an obstacle. Even though the trap may place an obstacle, which the hero may move through without affect, the hero is affected by the Trap. So a hero with Acrobat will fall into, and suffer the wounds from, a Spike Pit Trap that is played, but will not have to pay an extra MP to move out of the resulting pit (the moving out is an obstacle effect rather than a trap effect).
If hit by a crushing block the acrobatic hero will still be 'hit' and displaced by the block even though the hero could move through the block. If pushed by the block into another (pre-existing) pit, the hero will be able to ignore the pit as it is an obstacle not a trap.

Water and Rubble are obstacles, so an acrobatic hero may move through them. This is reinforced by the second sentence which says that a hero may not end his movement or attack from a space occupied by an obstacle which blocks movement (which is exactly what water and rubble are) - which clearly indicates that the hero must be able to move into those spaces either to attack from them or to finish their movement on them.

thankyou corbon for your excellent explanation,,
