Dedication.....or nothing better to do......

By Earth Wyrm Jim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

P.S. Hurricanes are terrible. Evacuate if at all possible. That aside, there are some cool things that come from hurricanes like........


your humble narrator getting to have chainsaw fun all week demonio.gif . Bout half the trees on the property didnt make it. Turned out to be an EPIC bonfire though, so all is equal

Interceptor said:

Big Remy,

Dude...maybe you should burn your dice upon the Altar of Despair and order some new dice. I personally don't have the patience to deal with that much bad juju from a game, and my likely response would have been to physically crush the little plastic monster miniatures while calling out to Odin and laughing like a maniac.

Hahaha....sadly, its my OLs set and the worst part was he had like 5 sets of extra dice. We kept switching up which one we were using, didn't change a thing. It was a hellish three weeks.

Hawknight said:

Is the bounty in an expansion?!?! Did we totally miss this some how? I have never heard of getting cash for killing monsters? Where is this written?

Its in the basic rules, and only applies to killing Master monsters. Look on page 16 under "Master Monsters".

Not gonna lie, the playing of the entire campaign during a natural disaster is pretty bad @$$

I have to say couldn't have won, could you?!

With odds/luck like that; don't waste your $1 on Lotto.

Big Remy said:

Unless there was a change that I missed, Undying has no limit to how many times it is done.

The only difference in Undying is between vanilla Descent and RtL. In vanilla Descent, damage carries over. So if you hit that Master Skeleton for like 10 damage and it only took 6 to kill him, he has 4 wounds on him when he comes back with a successful Undying roll.

In RtL, they got rid of that. So that 30 wound, 5 armor Master Ogre you just spent like 4 rounds killing? Yeah, he makes his roll and comes back at full health. Which for smaller monsters without a ton of armor isn't a big deal, but when that Master Ogre who also happens to be the level boss comes back 5 times on good rolls it detracts from the game in my opinion.

I've decided to change my undying rolls to this:

Death 1 - roll a surge to come back
Death 2+ - roll a blank to come back

Haven't tested it too much, but it seems to be working well. Alleviates a lot of frustration amongst my players.

Earth Wyrm Jim said:

HA! ye the dollar store has those jebus candles in abundance. Woah that gave me an idea for a created hero, Jumpin' Jebus. Special ability: 3 days after he dies he reappears in Tamilir.

I laughed until it hurt. You might find this article hilarious:

The best thing anyone can do for themselves is let go of thier pride and laugh at themselves sometimes. Nothing is more ridiculous than a person who will gladly and easily call other people on thier crap and take offense when they are called on thiers.

just finished up toi/rtl combo campaign. great wyrm(me) stomped the heros into a large red mud puddle. how? i got lucky. lucky dice rolls & lucky because their heavy hitting front man(nanok) got the obsidian shackles. sum it up? sure why not:

feat cards and stealth potion are a pain in the overlords ass enfadado.gif

stealth and ghost for monsters make the overlord happy gran_risa.gif

ice traps and spaces make the overlord laugh at heros partido_risa.gif

a skilled overlord gets the advantage in the toi expansion by making the heros think they have the advantage. make sense? sure it does! i dont have to please you! lengua.gif