Dedication.....or nothing better to do......

By Earth Wyrm Jim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This thread is for all who have unusual Descent gaming stories to share.

Guess I'll go first.

Not too long ago, Hurricane Ike roared through our town (Houston Texas) and made life quite primitive for about two weeks. My girlfriend and I decided to ride out the storm at my friend Frank's house. On the night of the storm, we started a new campaign of Descent RTL. All was well until the power when out.


Here is a picture of my girlfriend Brittany(left) and friend Frank(aka F-Bomb) playing Descent at 12:30 in the morning by candlelight. We can all attest that the combination of no power, no water(the well pump requires power), 80 mph sustained wind, and large debris slamming against the side of the house can bring a different perspective to one's gaming experience. It also helped us all keep our minds off the fear of death and/or dismemberment sorpresa.gif .

During the two weeks that followed, our city was without power, hence our places of employment were not open. Gasoline was in short supply, preventing us from traveling. This gave us enough time to complete the entire campaign from copper level to final battle.

The moral of the story is: when preparing for post-apocalyptic circumstances, make sure to pack plenty of food and water... and above all else, your Descent.

Bwa ha ha!

You sir are Teh Win!

If I could give this thread a thumbs up I would. :P

playing with candle light? hmmmm good idea, should improve the atmosphere but i am not sure if i can read everything on the cards without burning them... :)

nice story btw.

My roomate has a few oil lamps (we might be apocolypse paranoids) and those work out pretty well for setting the mood....sounds like im going to make out my beastmen.

btw, if you look closely at the character sheet to the far right, you will witness the best created hero ever imagined: Darth Astley; the ultimate rick roll. "Never gunna give, never gunna give, the dark side up." aplauso.gif

Man old F-Bomb is one cool looking dude even in the dark, oh thats me lol. That was one intresting night it gave Descent journey it the Dark a whole new meaning. Thanks Joe for posting it.

my favorite part about the pic is all the catholic candles, man those things burn FOREVER and only cost like 75 cents....i used to use them all the time, and still a few incase of the inevitable Zombie Apocolypse.

Very cool; thanks for sharing!

Wish I had that type of "free time"... lengua.gif

HA! ye the dollar store has those jebus candles in abundance. Woah that gave me an idea for a created hero, Jumpin' Jebus. Special ability: 3 days after he dies he reappears in Tamilir.


Apology for my last post on this thread:

My christian friend pointed out to me how sacreligious my last post is. I am in the process of trying to delete it. I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted it and I am truely sorry for my comment. I assure to everyone here that I am not trying to offend. If you have taken offense, please accept my deepest apology.

If anyone could give some advice on how to delete it that would be greatly appreciated. Thanx

ROTFL Dude, it's ok!! I am a very dilligent follower of Christ (actually a youth pastor), and Im not offended at all. God and Jesus, totally have a sense of humor...He made us in His image and we have one, and if you doubt that He does, look at nature and creation, there is some funny crap out there. It's cool, at least on my part, I am not offended in the slightest. We make jokes in City of Heores along the same lines, about how if Jesus was a super hero, He would have a massive area heal and a one time use self rez ;)

I too am a Christian, and have no problem with this. It's a joke, not offensive at all.

i am atheist and i dont have a problem with it either.....

LOL thanx guys. My friend didnt find it too funny, got me all paranoid(or maybe it was all the monster drinks and cigarettes).

Anyhow, I would still love to here another crazy descent story, if there are any out there. If u dont have one, get creative and play the game in a crazy place, then come post a pic. Perhaps u could set up on top of a mule or a large block of cheese. Maybe a game of full contact Descent and get crackheads to act as the monsters/heros............and now I have reached the point of complete insanity. They are out to get me preocupado.gif

Your story (and your picture--the OP one) is made of WINZ! This is indead dedication, and I salute you

I don't think I have anything to top the OP, but my craziest experience so far actually covered 3 weeks of game play.

For some reason the Gods of Probability and Statistics became enraged at my group.

Week 1: One of our tanks rolled 14 misses in a row

Week 2: Our ranged Hero (myself at the time) rolled 16 misses in a row

Week 3: Our other tank rolled 17 misses in a row.

During this whole time, the OL made EVERY single Undying roll. We had to kill each monster with Undying at least 3 times to keep it dead. One Master Sorcerer came back 7 times.

Big Remy said:

I don't think I have anything to top the OP, but my craziest experience so far actually covered 3 weeks of game play.

For some reason the Gods of Probability and Statistics became enraged at my group.

Week 1: One of our tanks rolled 14 misses in a row

Week 2: Our ranged Hero (myself at the time) rolled 16 misses in a row

Week 3: Our other tank rolled 17 misses in a row.

During this whole time, the OL made EVERY single Undying roll. We had to kill each monster with Undying at least 3 times to keep it dead. One Master Sorcerer came back 7 times.

We have had similar experiences, nothing this drastic, but pretty bad on the heores part, there is one woman we play with that misses about every 3rd role, EVERY time she one wants to play with any more, its quite hilarious.

I though the undead could only come back once...Im not sure why i think this, on page 23 of the basic rules it doesn't say that..hmm...let me check another place real fast here............well, i can't seem to find that any where. Do all you guys play that the undying can come back as many times as they can?

Unless there was a change that I missed, Undying has no limit to how many times it is done.

The only difference in Undying is between vanilla Descent and RtL. In vanilla Descent, damage carries over. So if you hit that Master Skeleton for like 10 damage and it only took 6 to kill him, he has 4 wounds on him when he comes back with a successful Undying roll.

In RtL, they got rid of that. So that 30 wound, 5 armor Master Ogre you just spent like 4 rounds killing? Yeah, he makes his roll and comes back at full health. Which for smaller monsters without a ton of armor isn't a big deal, but when that Master Ogre who also happens to be the level boss comes back 5 times on good rolls it detracts from the game in my opinion.

yeah we play undying as unlimited. When a figure with undying is killed and comes back, the extra wounds it suffered with the killing blow carry over. Say its got 5 wounds left and a hero hits it for 7. If it comes back on a surge, its already got 2 wounds against it. Heros call these ATM machines cuz everytime they kill it its 50 gold(being that its a master monster).

Earth Wyrm Jim said:

yeah we play undying as unlimited. When a figure with undying is killed and comes back, the extra wounds it suffered with the killing blow carry over. Say its got 5 wounds left and a hero hits it for 7. If it comes back on a surge, its already got 2 wounds against it. Heros call these ATM machines cuz everytime they kill it its 50 gold(being that its a master monster).

Except that you don't get 50 gold each time you kill an Undying Master monster. Its says in the rulebook for Undying that:

An Undying figure must stay dead in order for effects that take place when it is “ killed ” to actually occur.

And for Master Monsters:

Any hero who deals the killing blow to a master monster immediately receives a bounty of 50 coins.

Combining those two statements means that you only get the 50 gold once the Master Monster stays dead. A monster with Undying only is killed when it fails its Undying role. It naturally possible I'm interpreting that wrong, but I'm almost positive that is how it is meant to be played.

Hmm. Thanx for clearing that up. No wonder those dang heros are banking up so much gold. Oh well, I guess I will let them have their fun with money for this campaign.

I've got an interesting story about how Descent and pot don't mix:

First lets be clear; I am not a pot smoker nor do I endorse the abuse (notice abuse and not use) of any drug. However I always keep an open mind and take advantage of situations when they present themselves. Many people enjoy the method of "better living through chemistry" and I respect their decision.

For instance, lets take a normal night of Descent gaming and add a friend who has supplied some pot. Basic mathematical skills get thrown right out the window. Attention to detail and strategy are shot. A warped sense of reality has the monsters growling at you, and has the heros asking "why are you doing this to me? Have I angered you in some way?"

To sum it up, Descent is best played sober, or perhaps soberish.......

Big Remy,

Dude...maybe you should burn your dice upon the Altar of Despair and order some new dice. I personally don't have the patience to deal with that much bad juju from a game, and my likely response would have been to physically crush the little plastic monster miniatures while calling out to Odin and laughing like a maniac.

Great story. But who won the campaign? :)

Big Remy said:

Combining those two statements means that you only get the 50 gold once the Master Monster stays dead. A monster with Undying only is killed when it fails its Undying role. It naturally possible I'm interpreting that wrong, but I'm almost positive that is how it is meant to be played.

Is the bounty in an expansion?!?! Did we totally miss this some how? I have never heard of getting cash for killing monsters? Where is this written?

LOL The Heros won! Me(Darth Astley - custom, and Grey Ker) and my girlfriend as Andira Runehand and Tahlia. We got lucky and came into lots of money early on from the Legendary area and dungeons, so we bought all the map exploring upgrades i.e. boat, staff 'o' the wild, secret trail map and so forth. This allowed us to make every dungeon a rumor sonrojado.gif . Overlord was the Spider queen. During the final battle, the overlord took the first shots, then on our turn we obliterated her. 1 round, it was over. Viva la Spirtwalker!