This thread is for all who have unusual Descent gaming stories to share.
Guess I'll go first.
Not too long ago, Hurricane Ike roared through our town (Houston Texas) and made life quite primitive for about two weeks. My girlfriend and I decided to ride out the storm at my friend Frank's house. On the night of the storm, we started a new campaign of Descent RTL. All was well until the power when out.
Here is a picture of my girlfriend Brittany(left) and friend Frank(aka F-Bomb) playing Descent at 12:30 in the morning by candlelight. We can all attest that the combination of no power, no water(the well pump requires power), 80 mph sustained wind, and large debris slamming against the side of the house can bring a different perspective to one's gaming experience. It also helped us all keep our minds off the fear of death and/or dismemberment .
During the two weeks that followed, our city was without power, hence our places of employment were not open. Gasoline was in short supply, preventing us from traveling. This gave us enough time to complete the entire campaign from copper level to final battle.
The moral of the story is: when preparing for post-apocalyptic circumstances, make sure to pack plenty of food and water... and above all else, your Descent.