I made this deck using the tournament legal expansions.
I made this deck using the tournament legal expansions.
I've noticed, that in LCG Shub you need a lot of shub.
why living mummy? you have no toughness, you end up killing your own guys. drop yog's characters.
removal - a single glimpse is the worst yog removal event you can think of (you can play it ONLY on your turn , and opponent chooses what dies). however, it is the only available yog' removal that we have, so ot stays.
slavering gug - I'm not crazy about that card, but -
1 - it's a monster, so if you play ghoulish worshipper and priestess of bubastis, it can come out very quickly.
2 - it's removal + character. can go to a story, has 3 C, will stand ground in combat.beware of terror, though....
Yeti (mountains of madness, hooah!) - text box blanking, if very limited. but removes willpower, so go for it.
Gug+ Yeti - i say use 2 of each. both are for special ocasions, use them toolbox style.
search/draw engine - shocking transformation/under the porch/journey to the other side (overpaid) - very strong, will help find what you need.
Ygolanac - use him, one of shub's best card. plus with 6 cost reducers you will play him early.
Shub - 2 copies, you have enough ways to search for her when you need her.
descendant of eibon - 1 - transient (extra speed)+ nice combat trick, and has investigation. I would go with 2 (at least).
what NOT to use-
opening the limbo gate - it brings back also enemy characters. You don't want that.
gibbering soul - well, there are better options (see draw/search engine)
the black goat rage - against human faction - they will have willpower, so... versus mythos - it will be enough if they have 1 teror icon on their characters.
eath the dead - you have enough cost reducers already. plus it's an attachment, could be easily destroyed.
hungry dark young - you use hdy, when you have at least SOME characters in your deck that cost 2 or less. You have only priestess of b. and gibbering soul. Think about forest sister, at least. Simply you're not using the card with it's full potential.
(personally, I would use HDY in hastur/hub deck, where you have a lot of 2 cost chars from hastur - demon lover, stealthy byakhee, albino penguins,)
The rest is OK, all staple cards from shub.
general idea - attack with shub characters, protect them with yog spell, use your search/draw engine and you will be fine
Wow man, thanks a lot!!!
About the living mummy, its reset the board and considering that I have a lot of resurrect effects I'd be able to get characters into play faster. I used eat the dead coz I was worried about get Shub-Nigurath early.
Thanks a lot. Your advice will make the deck better for sure.
Are you going to participate at the GenCon tournament?? If so, What are plannig to play?
Actually, I won't be at GenCon - too long a flight from my country (Poland)
But I would have played hastur with cthulhu - hastur for quick beats (demon lover, stealthy byakhee, albino penguin, long dead prince, byakhee servant) and power drains with blind submission, infernal obsession, and cthulhu for some staying power (ravager), extra removal (deep one assault and sacrificial offerings - though after the errata it's not what it used to be, and bringer of fire won't be enough) and tricks (a single path, called by azathoth, terror of the tides - my favourite LCG card, coupled with descendant of eibon can make enemy's story phase quite hard).
Ravager is an awesome card , that's why I think Emerging Deep One would be a nice adition to a cthulhu/somehing deck. That deck yo mentioned is very strong, it won worlds once. Fortunately most of its cards survive to the LCG format. I assume that Hastur/Cthulhu is a strong candidate to take worlds title again, many many people is gonna play it.
For me, it's a big flight too since I live in Brazil.
Let's hope they make an awesome coverage.
Good Games and thanks again.
Papieru said:
I made this deck using the tournament legal expansions.
I'd add Gathering at the Stones. I'd take a look to a few "toolbox" chars like 1x T-men or 1x Ravager to shock in play when necessary
Good idea! thanks a lot! Are you going to Gen Con to play Worlds Carioz??
Not likely, I am not from the US.
While I am at it, I'd second Urban suggestion to cosider the Terror from the Tides (its get into play mechanic avoids resource match) and Descendant of Eibon.
Papieru said:
For me, it's a big flight too since I live in Brazil.
Good Games and thanks again.
cthulhu - connecting people
emerging deep one - not so sure - if you're not playing againts cthulhu you will end up killing your own characters.
Normally for tournaments I play either Yog/Shub or Hastur / cthulhu
Hastur /cthuhlu has problems with combo decks - finallly, you will run out of cansels, and then they will puh their winning condition (like historical discovery+ the darnkess receds). So I rather stick with Yog/Shub - thanks to black winds as anti-combo tech, and a lot of recursion. Last month we had another polish league, I played Yog/shub, and only thanks to black winds I was able to win against 2 combo decks -
AO deck
3x Adoration of Thoth
3x Feast of Famine
1x •Hastur, He Who Shall Not Be Named
3x •Shub-Niggurath, She with a Thousand Young
2x Burrowing Beneath
1x The Mother's Fury
3x Thunder in the East
3x •Cthulhu, Dead but Dreaming
3x Hermetic Scholar
3x •Yog-Sothoth, The Opener of the Way
2x Gathering at the Stones
3x Journey to the Other Side
3x Moonlit Phantom
3x Even Death May Die
3x Inside-Out Hours
3x Worlds Torn Asunder
2x Of One Mind
3x Shadows Fall
3x Temple of Nephren-Ka
and historical discovery deck -
3x MN C27 Adoration of Thoth
3x FR C25 Back to the Vaults
3x EE C46 Feast of Famine
3x EE U51 Sheer Force of Will
3x EE R47 Historic Discovery
2x EE R53 •Lost History of Herodotus, Priceless Greek Antiquity
2x FR R31 •Brazier of Nodens, Vertiginous Visions
3x UT U102 Seal of Isis
3x AE U167 Gathering at the Stones
2x EP M27 Alter Reality
2x FR R104 •Shining Trapezohedron, The Darkest Jewel
3x UT C116 A Time to Reap
3x AKD F14 Thunder in the East
3x ASM F14 Glimpse of the Void
2x EE R202 The Mother's Fury
2x ACC F20 Beneath the Mire
3x EE R234 Temple of Nephren-Ka
3x UT U140 The Darkness Recedes
2x AP M22 Bust of Hypnos
and I played
3x Ygolanac
3x HDY
3x crab
2x displaced cthonian
2x ancient guardian
3x black wind
3x shocking transformation
3x burrowing beneath
3x Ithaqua
3x lean and athirst
3x calling down the ancients
3x unpekable resurrection
3x speaking cells
3x Nyarli
3x mentor to vaughn
2x assistant to dr West
2x cthulhu for president
3x temple of nephren ka
With hastur/cthulhu you are btter prepared against rush decks (you have called to the sea, deep one rising, DOA, pulp writer etc.) but it's defintaly harder vs combo decks.
However, there are no combo decks in LCG only format, so I would play with Hastur/cthulhu.
Urban said:
cthulhu - connecting people
It's a good sign!!
Very nice meeting you guys!
Where are you from Carioz?
About Emerging Deep One: I'm not an expierenced player but killing a big Cthulhu character, ancient one or not, and having a guy sounds like a good deal. Cards that aren't necessary go to a domain anyways.
I've got a question to make: Do you use sideboard in tournaments? How does it work?
Good Games.
the problem wih sideboard - games in cthulhu are pretty long - usually they can even last an hour or so (on the other hand - you can always lose to syndicate rush on their second turn when they go second).
So I think there is simply no time to play 2 and 3 game with sideboard. Sure, you can predict the metagame and put cards that are good against particular cards - like sinking the lotus vs ritual cost reducers, or seal of isis against hastur-heavy tournament and so on.
Emerging deep one is (for me) such a card - if you have a lot of people playing cthulhu or cthulhu/X deck, then go for it. Sure, if you are not playing against cthulhu you can destroy silver twiglight emissary, once you have big enough domains and you don't need his ability.
Simply - the card is undercosted, so has a drawback. Play the card to change the drawback into strength.
However, in this case, it's hard to do this. More often then not, you'll end up killing your own guys.
On the other hand - you can always use strange delusions...
Now that I know that there's no sideboard in CoC, deckbuilding becomes even more interesting. Trying to figure out the metagame is critical. This game is so good!!
well, with about 300 cards you can use in your deck cards that are only good in special situations (like sideboard cards that are only good against any particular strategy).
This, of course, will change with time. There will be more specialised cards, threat cards, etc...
And you have much more room for eror in lcg format - while in legacy/mixed format I've lost games on 1 turn... on won on 1 turn, depends