Super secret tech for worlds

By tannerface, in UFS General Discussion

So with all the bannings the meta is a jumbled pile of pickup sticks(fun game!?). The big question that everyone goes over just before worlds is what is going to win. Well no one can really say for sure cause there really hasn't been enough regionals since the bannings to really establish what is dominant. So as the title says Super secret tech, whats yours?(what a dumb question)

Pesonally I am doing just what I said in a previous thread and copy pasta'ing paul bitme's regional deck(sorta).

Use JJ. That is all.

Hah! Sorry, laughing at your new quote.

Um, super secret tech is no longer secret if I post it here... But one is in the works, and it will be in my singles deck, that is for sure ^^

But the Victor loops with cards that generate effect when 'entering the staging area' are indeed neat-o! Whether or not you can win consistently with this tech, 6hs, and an otherwise fairly 'subpar' character ability is really up to the player and the draws.

- dut

dutpotd said:

Hah! Sorry, laughing at your new quote.


My super secret tech is to no show.

Homme Chapeau said:

My super secret tech is to no show.

Damnit Hatman, stop stealin' my tech!

Homme Chapeau said:

My super secret tech is to no show.

LOL. Has, Hatman wins worlds by not showing!

Seriously though, you guys are a riot, I wish I could show to everyone of your weekly tournies if only to play against you and Green Lantern.

- dut

dutpotd said:

Seriously though, you guys are a riot, I wish I could show to everyone of your weekly tournies if only to play against you and Green Lantern.

- dut

We're even worse at the local tournaments ;p 'cause there's more of us, see ;p

Well...I had considered trying to run Path of the Master with Balrog off of his support for card draw/aggro. I've also considered this for Hugo with his support as well (even more now with the Domination thread, free card draw is awesome).

tri-symbol Matt Kohls deck that flings attacks starting turn 2 until one of us dies. . .

unfortunately it's usually me.

mattkohls said:

tri-symbol Matt Kohls deck that flings attacks starting turn 2 until one of us dies. . .

unfortunately it's usually me.

sounds good? decklist!

dutpotd said:

Hah! Sorry, laughing at your new quote.

I did pioneer Juni's Spiral Arrow Lock. Try doing some research buddeh

MarcoPulleaux said:

dutpotd said:

Hah! Sorry, laughing at your new quote.

I did pioneer Juni's Spiral Arrow Lock. Try doing some research buddeh

What defines 'pioneering' a card tech? Especially when the card tech involves repeatedly playing a card with an NPE ability... didn't everyone think of this when DG (my fav set btw) was launched?

Since I can't be bothered to try, quickly let me know what I'd find.

Back on topic... my super secret tech involves asking Shinji to pioneer me something (just pm me anytime)! Seiously though, are you going to make it to worlds? I want to meet you in person.

- dut

Can I say I pioneered the way down to Maryland this spring when I took a road trip there without looking at Mapquest first, just going off the directions from my trailhands and intuition? I endured lots of hardships, too, like eating at a rest stop Dairy Queen for lunch.

I mean, I took the highways, but I didn't have a map, so it counts right?

I pioneered going barefoot at tournaments. stinky feet distract opponents into make mistakes!

dutpotd said:

Back on topic... my super secret tech involves asking Shinji to pioneer me something (just pm me anytime)! Seiously though, are you going to make it to worlds? I want to meet you in person.

Not too sure. I was made homeless at the beginning of the month, and am extraordinarily fortunate to have found people nice enough to take me in. Although I'm sure by the time of Worlds I will have sufficient funds, I am now stuck between a life-threatening qualm:

Save up my money?

or play children's card games?

As I'm sure you could bet, the decision is VERRRRRRY hard.

But, eh, I more pay check before Worlds, and methinks it's going to be small, so yeah, don't plan on me at Worlds, unless I can find somebody nice enough to road trip it with me.

I'm sure you'd love me. Nothing made me happier than knowing that Scuba, a guy who has never agreed with me (and has been open with that), managed to agree with me on almost every subject I brought up, and we have pretty much been good ever since. I'm sure you'd learn something similar, putting aside the fact that I'm just a fun and interesting person in my personal life.

Besides, I doubt you could find me. Remember? If I go to Worlds I'm going to hide in Blackface make-up and cosplay as Soulja Boy Tell 'Em?