rules mess

By porsh111, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

jeez guys, im starting to really hate this game by rules not being able to get written down as they should be.. and then even gezilion version of faqs who dont set it right.. this descent rule writers are bunch of i*iots, sorry for the expression but soooo many questions on the forum and so many faqs speak for itself..its a jesus christ MESS bout the rules

I might be wrong this time, but nevertheless, i did spend half an hour investigating this and couldnt find an answer.. which also speaks for itself..

I found this to be contradictory says in the begining in the 4step week proces, that overlord may give order to lutenants, and upgrade avatar in any given order.

2. it says late in the book under avatar upgrade section, that he may upgrade avatar AFTER lutenant orders have been placed.. and under upgrade avatar it says he may buy a lutenant.

so the question is, when OL buys a lieutenant, can he move it right away, or must he wait till the next turn..

even though the answer to question could be somehhow hidden somewhere , it still doesnt negate my point in first paragraph


and another question..

after heroes complete dungeon, their health is not restored to i right? i spend some time and couldnt find that

if they flee, they arent restored neither...

so before they flee or complete the dungeon, they may go to city trought glyph ,and there heal to max health, off course the only thing they have to care about is how many cards is in overlord deck, but most of the time they will have time to heal up to max..meaning that, after fleeing or completeing the dungeon, they could have max hp, if the ol still has sufficient cards in the deck...

am i missing sth here? or it is like that

They are NOT healed automatically when they leave the dungeon, but their fatigue is restored. Exceptions are Ispher and I believe Red Scorpion. This is in the manual.

Yes, they may take time to go to town to heal before leaving the dungeon.

I also believe you can move a LT the same round you buy him. I've not seen anything to the contrary.

Just remember folks

Page 17 - 18

Glyphs of Transport in Dungeons
In the Advanced Campaign, glyphs of transport work
differently than in a standard game of Descent. When a hero
activates a glyph of transport, the heroes receive 3 conquest
tokens as normal. However, to move through an activated
glyph, a hero must begin his turn on or adjacent to it.

This makes leaving to heal up more difficult than you may think.

Veinman said:

I also believe you can move a LT the same round you buy him. I've not seen anything to the contrary.

check the rulebook on page 24 under "Overlord Upgrades" first paragraph.

porsh111 said:

jeez guys, im starting to really hate this game by rules not being able to get written down as they should be.. and then even gezilion version of faqs who dont set it right.. this descent rule writers are bunch of i*iots, sorry for the expression but soooo many questions on the forum and so many faqs speak for itself..its a jesus christ MESS bout the rules

I might be wrong this time, but nevertheless, i did spend half an hour investigating this and couldnt find an answer.. which also speaks for itself..

I found this to be contradictory says in the begining in the 4step week proces, that overlord may give order to lutenants, and upgrade avatar in any given order.

2. it says late in the book under avatar upgrade section, that he may upgrade avatar AFTER lutenant orders have been placed.. and under upgrade avatar it says he may buy a lutenant.

so the question is, when OL buys a lieutenant, can he move it right away, or must he wait till the next turn..

even though the answer to question could be somehhow hidden somewhere , it still doesnt negate my point in first paragraph


You will find few arguments with the claim of abominably poor rules writing.

RtL pg 10
When the overlord acts during the game week, he may do two different types of actions: issues order to his lieutenants, and purchase an upgrade. He may do these in any order, even purchasing an upgrade between issuing orders to different lieutenants.

Pg 24
Avatar Upgrades can ...or bring into play a lieutenant for the overlord to command

There is no contradiction so far...

Pg 24
The overlord may buy one (and only one) of the upgrades described below each game week using his XP. This occurs in the Overlord Actions game week step, after lieutenant actions have been carried out

This is the contradiction.

It is readily apparent that the rules have been through several iterations and changes as they were playtested. However the proofing of the rulebook and updating to reflect playtest changes made is practically non-existent. This has been so since the original DJitD rulebook and must be a source of embarrassment to FFG staff that 4 rulebooks later the same problems exist.
It is worth saying though, that despite these problems it is such a fantastic game that we still love it!

Since Pg 24 is general rules about upgrades - what they are, how you get them etc, and Pg 10 is rules specifically about turn sequence, then in questions of sequencing pg10 rules must take precedent.

Thus you may issue orders to Lt A, purchase Lt B (an upgrade) and then issue orders to Lt B, specifically according to the turn sequence rules on Pg10.

I'm pretty sure someone from FFG has acknowledged this is correct, possibly in the GLOAQ.

porsh111 said:

and another question..

after heroes complete dungeon, their health is not restored to i right? i spend some time and couldnt find that

if they flee, they arent restored neither...

so before they flee or complete the dungeon, they may go to city trought glyph ,and there heal to max health, off course the only thing they have to care about is how many cards is in overlord deck, but most of the time they will have time to heal up to max..meaning that, after fleeing or completeing the dungeon, they could have max hp, if the ol still has sufficient cards in the deck...

am i missing sth here? or it is like that

The healing question IS there, on page 8 in the sidebar. See the section about Ispher and Red Scorpion.

Veinman said:

The healing question IS there, on page 8 in the sidebar. See the section about Ispher and Red Scorpion.

Fair enough, it is there after all.

thanks for clarifiation...

what about spawn marker, we were not sure that when the heroes reach new level (2 or 3), and spawn marker is turned down(disabled).
Does it turn on (enabled) when heroes reach new level?


Page 17 RtL: "At the start of every dungeon level, the overlord places the reinforcement marker in front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes)."

Mortal said:


Page 17 RtL: "At the start of every dungeon level, the overlord places the reinforcement marker in front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes)."

I'm pretty sure this was clarified as a misprint akin to the "Dungeon Level Setup" section on p 17 where it tells the OL to "Shuffle his deck and draw a hand of 3 cards" EVERY level (instead of at the start of a dungeon). I don't remember where it was clarified, but I'm 99.9% sure this falls into the same category and should read "At the start of a new dungeon".

Oboewan said:

Mortal said:


Page 17 RtL: "At the start of every dungeon level, the overlord places the reinforcement marker in front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes)."

I'm pretty sure this was clarified as a misprint akin to the "Dungeon Level Setup" section on p 17 where it tells the OL to "Shuffle his deck and draw a hand of 3 cards" EVERY level (instead of at the start of a dungeon). I don't remember where it was clarified, but I'm 99.9% sure this falls into the same category and should read "At the start of a new dungeon".

The only misprint I know of concerning that refers to vanilla Descent, not RtL. The OL starts each level with the eyes up. My RtL rulebook doesn't have that mentioned misprint on page 17.

Big Remy said:

Oboewan said:

Mortal said:


Page 17 RtL: "At the start of every dungeon level, the overlord places the reinforcement marker in front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes)."

I'm pretty sure this was clarified as a misprint akin to the "Dungeon Level Setup" section on p 17 where it tells the OL to "Shuffle his deck and draw a hand of 3 cards" EVERY level (instead of at the start of a dungeon). I don't remember where it was clarified, but I'm 99.9% sure this falls into the same category and should read "At the start of a new dungeon".

The only misprint I know of concerning that refers to vanilla Descent, not RtL. The OL starts each level with the eyes up. My RtL rulebook doesn't have that mentioned misprint on page 17.

In the .pdf of the rules this section starts with the sentence:

"When the heroes enter a new dungeon level, the overlord draws
a Dungeon Level card." This continues on and then "The overlord also shuffles his Overlord deck and draws a hand
of three cards. However, if he has bought any treachery, he may
adjust his Overlord deck first."

For the original GLOAQ we submitted the following because many people were redoing the entire setup at the start of every LEVEL:

"When playing dungeons in RtL does the OL keep his cards, powers and Threat between levels?

You keep your hand, threat, and power cards for the entire duration of a dungeon. You do not reset those between dungeon levels. I'll have to look at that section of the rules to see exactly what it says, but if it says that you reset every level, it will have to be errata'ed".

I remember there being a flurry of questions about the reinforcment marker and that Kevin's response to this also applied to the Reinforcement marker but perhaps i'm misremembering. To me, it seems like a natural extention of Kevin's intention regarding the difference between setting up the first level of a dungeon and subsequent levels.

If it automatically resets every level, that's one less thing the OL needs to consider saving threat for and it also devalues the ability of the BM Lord to flip at 12 rather than 15.

Just my recollection of that particular discussion shortly after RTL came out

Oboewan said:

I'm pretty sure this was clarified as a misprint akin to the "Dungeon Level Setup" section on p 17 where it tells the OL to "Shuffle his deck and draw a hand of 3 cards" EVERY level (instead of at the start of a dungeon). I don't remember where it was clarified, but I'm 99.9% sure this falls into the same category and should read "At the start of a new dungeon".

The only misprint I know of concerning that refers to vanilla Descent, not RtL. The OL starts each level with the eyes up. My RtL rulebook doesn't have that mentioned misprint on page 17.

Q. "When playing dungeons in RtL does the OL keep his cards, powers and Threat between levels?

A. You keep your hand, threat, and power cards for the entire duration of a dungeon. You do not reset those between dungeon levels. I'll have to look at that section of the rules to see exactly what it says, but if it says that you reset every level, it will have to be errata'ed".

I remember there being a flurry of questions about the reinforcment marker and that Kevin's response to this also applied to the Reinforcement marker but perhaps i'm misremembering. To me, it seems like a natural extention of Kevin's intention regarding the difference between setting up the first level of a dungeon and subsequent levels.

I am certain you are completely misremembering.

There is no connection between those two entirely different sections of pg17 and never has been.
There is nothing in the GLOAQ currently and nothing in the FAQ.

The RAW (in the rulebook) stand and the Reinforcement marker is placed eyes up at the start of every level.

geez guys you got me totaly confused...

so whats the official rule about eyes?

so OL keeps his hand and threat between dungeon levels?

porsh111 said:

geez guys you got me totaly confused...

so whats the official rule about eyes?

so OL keeps his hand and threat between dungeon levels?

OL keeps hand and threat between levels, eyes start face up at the start of each level.

porsh111 said:

geez guys you got me totaly confused...

so whats the official rule about eyes?

so OL keeps his hand and threat between dungeon levels?

RtL pg 17
At the start of every dungeon level , the overlord places the reinforcement marker in front of him faceup (the side with the red eyes). When the overlord plays a spawn card, he must flip the reinforcement marker facedown. While this marker is facedown, the overlord player may not play spawn cards. The overlord player may spend 15 threat on his turn to flip the reinforcement marker faceup. Otherwise, the reinforcement marker stays facedown until the end of the dungeon level .

There is no change to this, just someone confused

FAQ pg 9
Dungeon Levels
The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon.

This is a change due to a badly written section for Dungeon Level Setup earlier on page 17 in the rulebook . The rulebook states the rule for beginning a Dungeon (adjust deck for treachery, shuffle, draw three cards - which is basically the same as a vanilla quest) but screws up by leaving them in the "starting a Dungeon Level" rules rather than creating a "starting a Dungeon" section.

Yes, the OL keeps his hand and threat between dungeon levels (not between dungeons).

I'm definitely gonna do the reinforcement marker resetting at the start of a level now. I can't help but wonder if Kevin had meant it to stay out like threat and the deck though (it's QUITE clear that many of Kevin's original intentions for RTL are misplaced in the RAW). But until I hear from him, the OL just got stronger in our campaign (of course.. I'm a hero this time).

Thanks for flipping my eyes!