New Zealand Players?

By Judas225, in UFS General Discussion

I thought I saw somebody mention something about an NZ playgroup. I'm interested to know where and when you guys play. I might have one or two people interested in starting up depending on where you are.

There are a few of us who play on Sundays in Auckland and I believe there is a small following somewhere in Wellington although I havn't had any contact with them in a long time so they might have stopped.

Where were you looking to start up?

Also this probabily isn't the place to put this so feel free to friend request and PM me.

Can't figure out how to PM in these forums. Either way it's not me that's interested, I'm American. Girlfriends brother showed some interest in the game a while back. I was hoping you guys knew a place around Motueka/Nelson.

No dice. The closest to Nelson that I am aware of is a play group in Otago that i have never heard from. They were active about 2 years ago but not sure about now. Sorry.

Theres a small Group of us in Wellington about 10ish. There are games every monday night at pulsar max starting about 6:30. Note that you do have to buy 2 boosters to play. Thats why I stoped playing but if anyone wants to get into ufs or just have some games pm me.

The otago comic book/ card shop just closed down so i dont know if there still going.