I Think I got a card that wasnt suppose to be in set4?

By Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy, in Hollow Bastion

Today I got my box of set 4 it was a great box too check my trade thread its awesome. But in my box I got a promo in the last pack I opened, its a player/light no name on the card much like the event card. Its a lvl3 4hp 5 suppost and 2 magic. Now I think its a pretty good card a light player with 2 magic is very cool.I just want to know if it was a mistake me getting it or was it suppose to be randomly distributed in boxes of set 4?

Also heres the pic on the card: http://www.khextreme.co.uk/kh2/wall/unofficial/KH2_Wall2_KP.jpg

Yeah, FFG's printing company put promos in the boosters again by mistake.

sick i own a really rare card!

If you check the set 4 complete list, I did put a picture of the promo up there in one of my posts and I think in another thread as well.

Wait so is that the only card that was a promo? I got it to and i was wondering if there were more like it.

Chexlleim, would you trade that card. I have a lot of cards. Do you have a trade thread? If not, check mine too see if there is anything you would want,.

i got that card too i just started goin to a new store and every1 flipped sayin hed seen pics but none in real life

Riksem...you wouldn't trade that...would you? If you would please go look at my trade thread and post there....wow, it seems a lot of people seem to be getting that. So far just 3 on this site have it.

Hmm i'm not really up for tradeing it seeing that i got basically everything from Set 4, however i wouldn't mind a Sephiroth =) But i was surprised when we had a tournament and i was the only one with it even though like 4 other people had bought entire boxes.

oh wow thats epic i love finding random rare cards like in pokemon XD congrats <3

I got that card too. It was in my first Booster Box of Set IV!

I heard on a Kingdom Hearts podcast, The Cast That Never Was. That it was a packing mistake so I ordered one online as soon as I could and got lucky. In mine there was also a SR and Holo/Foil in each pack! AWESOME!

BTW: No I won't trade it.


There was a holo foil in every pack so far...that was also a printing error...don't know why though...but FFG said they want too fix it as soon as possible. So everyone who has gotten packs so far gets an SR in every pack...

P.S. Do you have a trade thread?

I'm curious, was yours holo or not? Because so far, I've only heard of non-holo so foil still may be safe from prerelease.

wait so thats real and if i get break of dawn booster boxes i get all 1 sr in every pack

As of now, yes, but you better order soon, FFG is aware of the problem and is going to try to stop it soon.